Chapter 6

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Jin's P.O.V.

I could hear the girls outside talking, and I knew Joon could too. I just kept my head down while waiting. I was distressed at the thought that ARMY might not accept us, and not accept us adopting a child. The members accept us, but we haven't told ARMY yet. 

Joon noticed I was deep in thought so, he held my hand and gave me a reassuring smile. At that moment, a woman came in suddenly through a different door. 

"I am Mrs. Choi." Stated with a sigh, as though she wanted to get this done and over with. "Who were you thinking of adopting?" 

"We were hoping, we could possibly adopt Mina?" I told her. 

"We were talking to her not too long ago,"  Joon continued, "And after thinking it over we would love to adopt her, if we can...." 

"What did she say to you?" The head mistress said, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Nothing much, just her name and a little bit more." I explained, clearly leaving out a few details I thought were unnecessary for this conversation. 

"Well, her case is a little different to everyone else's." She started, now quieting her voice down a little, 'Her mother came in here a year or two after she herself arrived, and they want her to only be fostered into a family nothing more,. Then if they want to come to visit her, they'd hope to do so without any trouble." She finished.

"Does she know this?" I asked, it being the biggest question on my mind at the moment. 

"Not the part about her parents, no. But to be fair, I haven't heard anything from either of her parents, in many years." She replied "It was her mother's wish to keep it that way...." 

"I guess we can keep that a secret." Joon said after looking over at me for approval, to which I nodded my head slightly.

"Good, now here are the papers." She said when she was about to give them to us before she continued a bit more "And remember, you are only fostering her, you can send her back at any given time and, she can come back if she really wants to, so don't get too attached...." 

We just both nodded, took the papers, signed them and went to get Mina to sign them too. She came into the room and stood at the side of the head's desk. 

"Just sign here." Mrs. Choi said to her, before turning back to us. "You both will have to come back tomorrow to collect her, I will be come over to your house later on today to make sure it is an appropriate living area, and that it meets all the requirements." 

"Of course." 

Mina's P.O.V. 

I went out of the room and upstairs, as quickly as I could. I wanted to pack some of my things for tomorrow. I also wanted to meet up with Yeon and tell him this, because I'm afraid I'll be going to a new school, so I might as well tell him, rather than let him think I didn't care for him. 


Hey are you able to go to
your restaurant, to meet up?

Sure! I'll be there in ten minutes! 

Okay! See you there!

He replied almost instantly, and luckily he was able to go. Thankfully, he asked no questions. Maybe he wanted to meet up too.


I actually saw him a little earlier, a bit before we both got to the restaurant so we just kept on walking, in silence. Not the awkward type, but more of a comfortable one, being happy just in each other's presence. 

"Are you alright?" Yeon asked, looking at me and then stopping in the middle of the park.

"Yeah, I'm alright...." I replied instantly, as an automatic response. 

"No, no you're not. I'm not that much of an idiot." He joked, causing me to let out a little giggle.

"Well, this isn't exactly the easiest thing for me to say," I started, "I could possibly be moving...." I then said, waiting for him to say something before I continued. 

"But why? Do you have to?" He queried, looking at me directly into my eyes.

"I don't know...." I replied honestly. I really don't know what's going to happen now

"How do you not know?" He said sounding puzzled. 

"Well, I'm going into a family...." I managed to say. 

"I'm confused." He said, furrowing his eyebrows, trying to figure out what I meant. 

"So, ummmm, I haven't been completely honest. I have been in an orphanage since I was like 5, and someone agreed to adopt me. Please don't hate me for this...' I eventually managed to say, wincing slightly, expecting him to be annoyed or mad at me, for not telling him sooner. 

"I'll still keep in touch, this doesn't change anything. Once your new family doesn't mind, we can see each other as much as we like. Right?" He stated, which made me let out a sign of relief, with a genuine smile on my face. 

"I was really hoping you would understand." 

"Since we're both here, do you wanna do something fun?" Yeon suddenly asked, an idea randomly coming to mind. 

'"What, and where are we going?" I asked with a chuckle, seeing him smile brightly at me. 

"You'll see...." 


- Edited - 14/10/20 -

- Edited - 14/10/20 -

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