Chapter 28

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I looked again, at the post. I can't believe he actually did that.....I mean, I can, actually, why wouldn't he? But why now? Did he hear my conversation with Hana?

As I observed the posts, just a bit more, I noticed a few things. There were some other things added on to the pages, things I never wrote, nor said. Ji Hun must have added those last minute, so I would get into even more trouble, with anyone reading it.

I can't take much more of it, I really can't. I should have said something, to anyone, before it got to this. But now, I don't think anyone's going to believe me.

I sat on my bad, with my arms wrapped around my legs, and my head on my knees. I stayed there for a few minutes, just thinking to myself. But before long, I could feel my own tears falling, and straight onto my jeans.

I don't know how long I've been crying for, but it's probably been a long time now. It feels as though I've been sitting here for ages, just wallowing in my own self-pitty.

I looked up, as I wiped my eyes, ridding them of any tears. I noticed, that bag, from Yeon. The one I was meant to open, since maybe last week.

And now, I feel as though I actually want to. Or rather, I need to. It's the only thing that'll put my mind at some ease. I walked over to the desk, and stared at it for a bit. But then I decided I wanted to finally open it, so I took it with me, back to my bed, to open.

I took out what was inside the bag, it was a sketch pad. Yeon got me, a sketchbook, because I told him I lost mine. I smiled as I looked at it, the thought of him actually caring about how much I wanted to have it, he really does care about me.

I opened the first page, and to my surprise, there was a picture drawn, of me. I gazed at the picture, before noticing pencil marks, that came through from the other side. I flipped the page over, and found the page filled with writing. I scanned through it quickly, and looked at the signature. My heart fluttered as the sight of his name, signed on it. It read:

'Dear Mina,

I don't know if you can tell, but I'm not all that good at writing letters, but here it goes. I hope you enjoy it, because I'm sure my hand is going to hurt, A LOT after it. But honestly, I won't regret it, because you're worth it all, and far more.

As you can tell, I've purchased this book thing, for you. I know how much drawing means to you. And I really do hope you find your sketchbook, but in the meantime, I also hope that this can serve as a substitute.

As you could see, from the opposite side of this page, I drew you. It took me a while, but I got it complete. If you're wondering when I did it, it was while you were waiting in the line for food, and then, when you left to go and see the Harry Potter things, while I was still eating. I also did it when you were right in front of me, but you were on the phone, to Jin I think it was, so thankfully you didn't notice.

You always told me to try and draw, and see how it went, so I did it, just for you. I hope you know how much I always miss seeing you, because we're not in the same school no more. I miss always being able to stick with you, throughout the day, or just being with you for a while each day. I find myself always thinking of you, is that normal?

I know I must be ranting on by now, but I really can't help it. You're so smart, funny, kind, helpful. You're so pretty, I can never stop looking at you. You never fail to brighten up my day, my mood, and there's never a dull moment when I'm in your presence. You're perfect, in every way possible.

What I'm trying to say here is, I think I love you Mina. I really do. I understand if you can't return the feelings, but I just thought I'd tell you. You are such an amazing person, and I know you can get through any obstacles in your way, always remember that.

I have many tests coming up, so I know I won't be able to interact with you as much. So I'm asking you this, meet me on the 27th at 6.00pm, at the restaurant, where we talked for the first time. I hope you can make it, I'll be waiting for you there!

- Yeon

As I read the letter, I could feel my eyes tearing up, once again. I wasn't expecting this, at all. I didn't expect a letter, but I sure am glad I have it. Although I'm crying, it lifted my mood so much, that I had a smile on my face.

All of a sudden, there was a light knock on the door, and someone came in. It was Jimin. He seemed to want to say something, but immediately cut himself off.

'Are you okay?' He asked, walking over to me, worry clearly shown through his actions.

'Yeah, I've just had a terrible day.....'

'Do you, maybe want to tell me about it?' He asked, as he sat down on the bed with me.

'Do you not have to go, or something?' I asked, guessing that I was just holding him up.

'No, not at all. Please, I want to make sure you're okay.'

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'You should've said something to us sooner, so you didn't have to go on with all of this.' Jimin said, wrapping him arms around me, in a tight hug.

'I just didn't want to worry any of you, you all seemed too busy....' I said, as he finally let go, before showing a sympathetic smile.

'We'll always make time for you, remember that. We're family now, and families are there for one another.' Jimin said, as I smiled at him.

'Thank you....'

'It's no problem.' He said, getting up, and turning on my TV. 'How about a movie? That always brightens up my mood.'

'Okay.' I said, while nodding. Jimin had put on a comedy movie, One I had never seen, but heard about a lot. I tried to concentrate on the movie, but I just wasn't able to stay focused.

All I could think about, was the letter Yeon had wrote for me. That, and nothing else.....

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