Chapter 16

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»»————- ✼ ————-««

I ran back to my last class, with Hana close behind. I hope I just accidentally left it on the table. But I highly doubt that. If someone did take it, they could look through it. And it's my entries that I wrote that's bothering me, not the art. Especially the fact that I write about what happens at home too, not just school. 

Jin and Namjoon don't want me telling anyone about this, until they've told ARMY. They're only going to tell ARMY that they're together, nothing else just yet. 

 And I wrote that in my sketchbook. If someone found that out by reading it, I don't think I'd ever forgive myself. I was trusted to keep it a secret, and I can't even do that. 

'It's okay, we'll find it soon, don't worry about it too much.' Hana said, in the hopes of reassuring me. But unfortunately, it didn't help much. 


That's the bell. I now only have two more classes left in school, and then that'll be all my chances to find my sketchbook. I should've been more careful...

After I waved goodbye to Hana, I rushed to my next class which was Maths. I quickly got in the door, yes! Just in time! I sat down at an empty table and got out my books. I then sat there, just waiting for the teacher to come through the door. 

This is the part where I would usually get out my sketchbook, and draw whatever was on my mind. But now, I'm unable to do so, and it's slowing starting to affect me. 

Finally the teacher came through the door, and thank God for that. I would've had a melt down if he didn't come though within the next few minutes. 

»»————-  ————-««

I ran out of the school as fast as I could, because I was late. I was caught up trying to look for my sketch pad, and then saying goodbye to Hana. And now, I'm going to be late meeting Yeon. 

'Hey Mina! Over here!' I heard a voice shout from behind me. I turned around and found Yeon, waving as soon as he noticed I found him. I quickly ran over to him, and without even thinking twice, I hugged him. 

He seemed surprised at first, I wouldn't blame him, I was too. But then he hugged me back. After another minute we let go, and upon seeing my face he let out a small chuckle. I bet it's because I was blushing, unfortunately it was far too obvious. 

'I missed you.' I said, without thinking, once again. 

'Really? I couldn't tell.' He said sarcastically, while laughing. 'Let's go, shall we?' He asked. 

We were planning on going to the shopping centre, just to hang out. I wasn't planning on buying anything, I was happy just to be in Yeon's company. And I'm pretty sure he thought the same. 

»»————-  ————-««

'What would you like to drink?' Yeon asked. We were at Costa, and Yeon is ordering a drink for himself. He asked me before, but I said I didn't want anything. 

'I'm okay, really.' I replied, as he just shrugged his shoulders as if to say 'if you say so'. He then turned around to the lady at the till, ready to order. 

'I'll have an Iced Latte, and the lady will have a Luxury Hot Chocolate.' He replied when asked to order. I playfully hit his arm when I heard that he ordered something for me. 

'I told you I didn't want anything.' I said, and he put on a shocked expression. 

'Oh? You did? I though you said you did want something, my bad. I guess you'll have to take it now, no returns.' He said smiling. 

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