Chapter 14

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I walked into the house, and straight to the kitchen. I had a feeling Jin would be in there, and just as I thought, he was. I wanted to put his mind at ease, so I walked over to him to give him a hug. He was washing the dishes at the moment, probably from just after preparing the dinner. I approached him and hugged him tightly. 

'I'm home, there's no need to worry.' I said. He seemed shocked at first because he wasn't expecting it, but he The hugged me back with even more energy than me. 

'Thank God, I was worrying so much today.' He said, still hugging me.

'You don't need to worry about me, I've been to school before.' I reassured him, but something told me that my reassurance didn't do anything. 

''Of course I'm going to worry, you've never been to that school before. But now, since you're finished your first day without any troubles, my mind is at rest a slight bit.' He said finally letting go. 'You must have homework, you go on and get started on it. If you need any help, ask anyone but me.' He said resulting in me letting out a laugh. 

'Okay then' I said, heading up to my room. I took off my bag and unpacked it. Unfortunately since I swapped schools halfway through the year, there is quite a bit of homework. But most of, I actually already learned in my old school. It was just the maths, that was the only thing new to me. And it's due for tomorrow. 

I took out my maths book, pen, copy and calculator. I started on the first question on Algebraic Expressions. Question 1 and 2 were manageable, but the others......

After nearly twenty minutes trying to work out the next few questions, I grew quite frustrated. I didn't want to go and ask for help, everyone must be working hard, I don't want to put any other pressure on them. 

All of a sudden I heard a knock on my door. I got up from my seat and opened it, and in the doorway was Namjoon. 

'How's your homework going? Do you need any help?' He asked. I really wanted to say everything was fine, and I understood it all, and for him not to worry about it. But he's asking me if I need help, and I surely do. 

'Most of it is fine, it's just my maths homework. I can't seem to understand it, at all.' I replied. Namjoon smiled and walked over to my desk, and crouched down to my level. 

'I'm not all that bad at maths, I can do my best to help.' He said. 'Thank you.' I said, as he started reading though my maths book, in hope of helping me. 

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'So did you have a good first day?' Jimin asked while we were at the dinner table. Up until now I've had my meals in my room, but I felt closer to everyone by now, so I sat with them. And it wasn't going as bad as I imagined, I thought it would be very awkward. But to my surprise, it was nowhere near that, we all got along pretty well. 

'Yeah, but the homework is 5 times worse. I could barely manage to do my English homework, and then when maths came.....' I said, while Namjoon let out a laugh. 

'After many  failed attempts, yes, we got there.' Namjoon replied, as everyone laughed. 

'Mina, just so you know, we will be telling ARMY about Namjoon and I. We won't mention you yet, we just need this first bit of news to sink in. So is it okay if you just don't tell anyone it's me and Namjoon who are your guardians? Not yet, at least until we speak up about it.' Jin said.

 I nodded my head in agreement with his terms, as we all continued laughing and enjoying each other's company. 

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