Chapter 37

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'What?' I said to myself, as I looked towards the book in my hand. I received so much work, and I can barely do any of it. And I can't even ask any of my teachers for help, because I'm doing all my school work online, at my father's request. 

I got up from my bed, and straightened up a bit, after having a sore back from hunching over my books all day. I walked towards my door, and out of my bedroom, in the hopes of seeking help from my father. 

'Is anyone home?' I called, as I heard my echo through-out the apartment. I guess not. But this isn't new to me, anymore. My father has started leaving me at home, all on my own, since last week. 

I sighed to myself, as I walked towards the sofa, and sprawled myself onto it. I guess the change of scenery would be nice, compared to my bedroom. I quickly got up again, and walked back into my room, collecting everything I needed to work. 

Walking back to the living room, I placed all of my equipment on the coffee table in front of me. My back was still aching slightly, at the multiple uncomfortable positions I had to myself in, while doing my school work. 

I opened my book again, searching for the page of work I had to do. As I looked at it again, I basically cried to myself, knowing there was no way I could figure it out on my own. I might just have to move onto something else, and ask father when he returns. 

At that immediate thought, I heard the lock of the front door being fumbled with. I turned around to the door, wondering who it would be. Within just a few seconds, my question was answered, as my father's fiancé walked in. 

'What are you doing here?' She asked me, after almost jumping out of her skin, at the sight of me looking at her. 

'I live here....' I said, unsure of what else I could reply with. I have to admit, when I think about it again, it sounds rather rude. 

'Yes, I'm well aware of that. But what are you doing out of your room?' She questioned, as she slammed the front door behind her. 

'Am I not allowed in the living room?' I asked, rather confused actually. 

'Well not now! Did your father not tell you?' She asked, clearly annoyed with me, for whatever reason. I quickly shook my head, as she rolled her eyes in response. 'Someone's coming over, for a business meeting. They'll be here rather late, so you have to keep quiet in your room. Do you hear?' 

'What if I went to my friend's house?' I asked, hoping she would agree. I mean, at least this way, I wouldn't be at home, bothering her. And at the same time, I can actually enjoy myself, rather than rotting in my room. 

'Fine, fine. But go quickly. Your father will be here soom, and he's bringing our guest.' She stated, as she walked past me, and into her and my father's room. 

At this, I walked back to my room, and grabbed my phone. I looked through my contacts, and quickly tapped on one, that was closest to the top. 

'Hey, it's about time you called!' I heard the voice of my best friend, Wendy. I laughed lightly at her reply, before asking her my question. 

'Well, since it's been so long...How about we go out for a while? I'm not needed at home, so I thought it would be nice to hang out!' I said, and instantly heard a quiet scream, of happiness I hope

'Yes! Are you able to come over?' She asked, as I quickly looked towards the door of the room where Miso, I found out her name was, has walked into. I debated on whether or not to ask first, but thought against it in the end, knowing she'd probably say yes, just to get me out of the house quicker. 

'Yep! I'll be there in the next 10 minutes, is that okay?' I asked, and heard a small cheer coming from the other end of the phone. 

'Okay! I'll see you then!!' Wendy replied, before hanging up. I walked towards the room where Miso was, and lightly knocked on the door. 

'What do you want?' I heard her reply, in an annoyed tone of voice. 

'I was wondering at what time I should come home at....' I asked, and heard her groan in response. 

'Whenever, just go, before your father gets here.' She stated, as I begun to walk away. 'But don't think of coming back before 9 o'clock!' 

I sighed lightly, as I walked over to the front of the door. I opened it up, as I looked left and right, just in case my father was there. Luckily, he wasn't, so I could continue on. I felt like I was doing something wrong, with all this sneaking about. 

'Mina, where are you going?' I suddenly heard, the second I turned the corner. I was faced with my gather, and another man. 

'Miso said I could go to a friend's house. Is that okay?' I asked, and my father smiled widely in response. 

'Ah, of course. Have fun.' My father said, before walking away, and continuing to talk to the man next to him. I released a breath, that I didn't even know I was holding in. 

I quickly rushed down the stairs, wanting to go see Wendy as soon as possible. I walked out of the apartment block, and into the cool fresh air. I haven't been outside in quite a while, because I never actually needed to. 

Now because I have school online, I haven't had much time to go outside, because of how difficult it was to learn on my own. And now that I'm going out, I'll end up taking longer to do it. 

I shook my head, realising how negative I was being. I shouldn't be so negative, especially when now, I can go and see one of my best friends. I walked up the street where Wendy lived, getting closer and closer to her house. 

But just before I had, I spotted someone I recognise. It was Hana! I waved frantically at her, the moment I noticed it was her. I walked up closer to her, to say hi, when I noticed she was with someone else. 

'Hey, Hana!' I said loudly, trying to get her attention. And sure enough, it did. Hana, and her friend turned around to me. But once they had, I immediately wish I could unsee what was in front of me. 

Hana had a wide smile on her face, holding onto the person beside her. Her friend, of whatever he is to her, had his arm wrapped around her wait. Hana looked at me with smirk on her face, just like the one Ji Hun now wore....

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A/N You guys...I was literally in tears a few days ago, happy tears of course. This book now has over 10K reads!! Thank you all so much for helping me get to this! It's amazing how many people enjoy reading this, and it really means the world to me!! ❤❤

Thank you, thank you, thank you so so much!! I purple you all! Have an amazing day/night you guys!! 💜💜💜💜

Thank you, thank you, thank you so so much!! I purple you all! Have an amazing day/night you guys!! 💜💜💜💜

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