Chapter 32

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'What?' I asked, in pure disbelief at what Namjoon had said. 

'Yeah, it was a bit of a shock for us too...' Jin said, with a low, almost forlorn sounding voice. 

'W-What...' I paused for second, trying to carefully choose out my words. 'So what's going to happen?' 

'We're still not 100% sure.' Namjoon replied, and I nodded my head lightly. 'But what we do know, is that you're free to see him, when you're ready to.' 

'Oh.' I replied, having no other words in mind. 

As much as I'd love to see my Dad, and I'd love to be able to meet him once again, for the first time, since I was only 4 years old. There was a part of me aching to go. Jin and Namjoon, as well as the rest of the guys, all accepted me as their family. And I also have. 

I stood there, silently thinking to myself. I could only choose one family, only one. And that's what scared me the most. If I chose to go back to my Dad, would that mean I could never be able to see Jin and Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook....ever again?

And if I stay here, then I may never get another chance to see my father. Or is it even my choice? Is it even me, who decides where I go? 

'Don't worry too much, Mina. You don't have to decide right now. You have time.' Jin reassured me. But it didn't help much. For he just told me it would be my decision. 

'Okay....' I said, letting out a huge sigh. 'I'll be upstairs.' 

I quickly excused myself to go up to my room. As I headed upstairs, I thought of three people that could help me. I ran into my room, searching for my phone. The second I found it, I fumbled to get my passcode in, before I pressed the call button after chosing the name. 

'The caller you are trying to contact is not av-

I guess Hana must be doing something important. I guess I'll have to move on to the next person. But as soon as I called, my phone came up with the same response as last time. Unfortunately Wendy can't answer either. I guess I only have one choice left. 

My finger hovered over Yeon's name. As much as I knew he would be the one to help me out the most, I really didn't want to bother him. We just had an amazing day together, and I really don't want to ruin it all, just by this. 

'Hello?' I heard Yeon's voice say, once I finally tapped on his name. 

'Hey Yeon.' I sighed. He must have picked up on the sadness, for he immediately addressed it. 

'Are you alright?' 

'Not exactly.' I began, but paused, thinking of how I could continue. 'I don't want to trouble you, but I'm kind of in need of some advice.....' 

'Mina, you know I'll always be here for you. Whenever the time, so fire away.' He said, assuring me that it was okay to continue on. 

'Well.....' I paused, before continuing. 'M-My Dad, he wants me back.' 

'Wha-' Yeon began, but stopped himself. 'Are you happy with this?' 

'I-I...' Once again, I was lost for words. I had no idea how to answer that. 

'Sorry, that was pretty forward.' He immediately apologised. 

'No. I just, I don't really know how I feel about it.' I replied. 

'And that's totally fine. It's new to you, don't work yourself up over it.' Yeon said, trying his best to help me. 

'But, I have to be the one to decide who I'm staying with. Not them, me. And, I don't want to hurt anyone here.' I finally said, saying the one thing that was really bothering me. 

'So that's what you're worried about?' He asked, and I hummed in response. 'Well, think of it this way. One, you don't need to make a decision instantly. And two, who's to say you can't go and visit?' 

'I-I guess you're right.' I said, after taking a minute to think about what he had said. But in the end, I know there'll have to be some sort of outcome. 

'Are you feeling any better?' He asked, after noticing my continuous silence. 

'Yeah, a lot. Thanks Yeon!' I said, smiling from ear to ear. If only he could see how just his one little sentence helped me. 

'Any time. But listen Mina, I have to go now. I'll text you later, to see if you're alright. I just don't fancy my mother kicking my back side for not cleaning up after dinner.' Yeon said, and I couldn't help but laugh. 

'Yes of course, we wouldn't want that. I'll talk to you later, bye Yeon.' I replied, and hung up the phone. 

I'm glad that I at least got some type of reassurance. But even though it did help me, to an extent, it wasn't enough. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. I found my way off my bed, and walked towards it. 

'Are you okay?' Asked the voice of Namjoon. 

'No, not really.' I admitted, opening my door wide, to let him in. He walked in, and we both took a seat on my bed. 

'I just want you to know, that we'll be fine. I mean, if in the end you choose to stay with your father. You don't have to worry about us.' Namjoon said, as I let a few tears escape my eyes. 

'I just don't know what to do....' I said, in an almost inaudible whisper. Just then, I felt a pair of arms around me. Knowing Namjoon had pulled me into a hug, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and cried into his shoulder. 

'It'll be okay. You're a very strong young lady, I have no doubt that you will get through this.' Namjoon said, rubbing my back. But I wasn't so sure. If I was so strong, why would I be breaking down, right now, as we spoke. 

'I don't want to hurt anyone. But in the end, I know someone going to be...' I replied, and let out a huge sigh. Namjoon pulled away from me, and looked me straight in the eyes. 

'Mina, don't worry about any of us, and don't worry about your father. You need to worry about yourself, and what you want. If you want to go with you father, so be it. Or if you wish to stay here, that's your choice. Whatever makes you...less hurt, is what you need to do.' 

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A/N Hello all my beautiful readers!! 💕 I am so sorry that I'm later than usual with this chapter, I've just been experiencing a bad dosage of writer's block. 😓

But, I hope you liked the chapter all the same! I purple you!! 💜💜💜

But, I hope you liked the chapter all the same! I purple you!! 💜💜💜

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