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We followed him with a fast walk into the ER, where a wreck was coming in, making everyone hectic.

"Claim a patient" he clapped, turning to us with smiles.

I was the first one of our group to move, moving to a cart where I quickly grabbed gloves, slipping my hands into them before running to one of the incoming paramedics.

"Sixteen year old female, multiple lacerations- we had to deliver CPR on site but she's holding stable for now" he announced to me- which I ignored.

We got into a room, nurses shutting curtains as I listened to her heart.

I checked her eyes with my flashlight, seeing a slow reaction.

"Schedule a head CT" I announced to a nurse, seeing her nod immediately.

Before I could check anything else the girl grabbed my arm.

"You're okay" I quickly told her.

"Do you feel any pain?" I asked.

"Head" she spoke, squeezing her eyes shut again.

"I need that head CT quick" I mumbled out to the nurse, who walked away immediately.

I did the basic check, giving her a small amount of pain reliever.

"I didn't get to a patient in time- I'm joining your case" one of the guys from the group spoke.

I looked to him as I felt the girls abdomen for bleeding.

I ignored him, lightly touching other areas of her body- making sure I didn't get negative reactions.

"CT is ready for you" a nurse announced.

"Let's go" I declared, throwing the bed rail on my side up, seeing the guy staring to me.

"Pull the bed rail up so she doesn't fall out" he did as said before a nurse and myself pushed her to CT, the guy following us.

The girl clutched my hand as we pushed her, making me look back to her.

"Don't let me die" she spoke with demand.

"You're far from dying" I spoke back to her, squeezing her hand back.

I brought her into CT, helping her onto the bed.

"Don't leave me" She panicked lightly as I covered her up.

"Okay, I'll go stand by your head and I'll talk to you, but you have to stay as still as you can" I spoke, earning a firm nod from her

She went through the CT and I did as I promised, I told her what we were doing and what we would be doing after.

Once we knew the CT was clear, a nurse and I pushed her to an overnight room, booking her for surveillance overnight.

"Doctor Irwin" I heard the guy intern speak as I pushed the girl ahead.

"Doctor Stapleton, this your patient?" Irwin spoke.

"Yes, Doctor Johnson joined us and I let her cause she was falling behind a little- her CT was clear and we're booking her overnight due to pain, she's also in need of some stitches on the forehead" he spoke, making me instantly angry.

But I held my tongue

I can't make enemies on my first day.

I brought her into a room, making sure she was comfortable.

"You're not staying?" She asked as I snapped my gloves off.

"I'm going to call your parents a nurse will be in here shortly to do your stitches-" "no please" she spoke slowly.

"Can you just do my stitches- don't leave me please" I saw her heart rate raise.

I thought about if this was my little sister, scared and with no one

"Yes- I'll stay"

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