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three months later

"Are you excited?" Ashton grinned as I set all of my stuff up in my new attending's locker.

"Yes." I grinned bigger than ever.

I was soon following the guys, the old guys from my internship and some from the guys groups.

And today, we were finally the intimidating people that stood in front of the scared, nervous first day interns.

Myself being one of three girls who made it to be classified as a surgeon, as an attending.

"Welcome." Ashton spoke, clapping his hands together.

"We are attending's, we are the ones responsible for you, responsible for keeping you alive, while also being responsible to keep the people you're treating alive." Luke spoke firmly, them all trying to be as hard as possible, wanting to seem mean.

"There are fifty of you in this room, twenty of you will make it out." Stapleton spoke.

"Notice how many women are standing up here." I spoke quickly, seeing them all glance across us.

"There are twenty women exactly in this group, leaving thirty men. We will treat each other fairly, we will not be sexist and we will have respect for each other no matter the gender, race, sexuality or anything else you can think of." I finished.

"You will all be pushed to the furthest extreme you've ever been pushed to, my suggestions are, don't sleep with coworkers, sleep alone whenever you can, keep your pagers on you at all time and run like hell when you hear them go off." Calum spoke.

"Any questions? Anyone want to leave before we get to the actual hard part?" Michael asked.

No one moved.

"Alright, your attending will call you out in groups of six, get ready."

We all took turns reading the six names from out clipboards, and soon it was my turn.

"Matt Camrick, Ashley Benson, Briley Thompson, Cole Nelson, Colton Bennett and Natalie Cole."

The six of them followed me out of the room, straight to in front of Ashton's office.

"This is Doctor Irwin, head of the ER department, office- if you page me and I do not come, you find me here or with a patient, but no where else." I spoke firmly to them.

"You should've already had a tour of the hospital, memorize these hallways, memorize the people in your group and memorize what I tell you, because I promise you, I'm not here to hurt you." I spoke, leading them to the ER.

"Lastly, you are a group- yes you are against each other, but you should all benefit from each other. Do not let me find out you are going against each other, or I will find a way to get you kicked out of this program, understand?" I smiled nicely, handing all six of them pagers.

"Understood" they all spoke in unison.

"Well, lets get to the fun part."

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