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"Once again, I'm so sorry for making her cuss" Ashton whispered as we finished cleaning, making me once again laugh

"It's fine Ash, she won't even remember the word tomorrow" I spoke, seeing him exhale, the whole situation stressing Ashton out.

Him and I went into the living room, joining Cleo in watching her movie.

It was the Good Dinosaur, it was a cute movie, something kids really get into

I looked to Cleo during one of the saddest parts, seeing her wiping her face silently.

"Cleo" I laughed out, seeing her look to me, her lip in a pout form.

"Come here my love" I spoke, hearing Ashton laughing lightly.

It was adorable.

She got up, slowly moving to me.

I pulled her into my lap, her arms wrapping around my neck, her head hitting my collarbone.

"Don't be sad" Ashton spoke, rubbing the side of her stomach gently.

"Look Cleo- he's happy again!" Ashton spoke quickly, making her immediately sit up, looking to the TV, which showed the dinosaur reuniting with his family, making her zone in quickly.

"I'm not sad no more" she laughed out as it came to its ending.

"You shouldn't ever be sad, everything always comes to a happy ending, you have to always believe that" Ashton spoke, making the smallest smile come onto my lips.

I wish I still believed that.

As the day progressed, it consisted of mainly Ashton and I playing every game Cleo wanted us to play, and currently, I was crouched behind a bookshelf, hiding from Ashton as he searched for Cleo and I during hide and seek

"I got you!" I heard him yell before hearing Cleo's loud giggles break out.

"Now help me find your sister" Ashton spoke loud enough to where I could hear.

I watched Cleo walk past, never looking into my spot, but as soon as Ashton passed him and I made eye contact.

"Cleo!" He yelled as I immediately took off running

He had no mercy, at all

He chased me as if I was a professional football player and he was trying to stop me from making a touch town.

I ran into my room, trying to shut the door on him but he was too close, he grabbed me, almost tackling me into my bed.

Both of us broke out into laughter- trying to breathe through the fit.

He stayed on top of me- holding me down as if scared that I would escape.

I stopped laughing finally, keeping a smile on my face as he looked to me, his smile lessening.

"You got me" I almost whispered as we almost stared into each other's eyes.

I watched his eyes flick from my own to my lips and back to my eyes in one quick motion.

"Do I?" He whispered back, coming closer and closer to my own face achingly slow.

I felt the butterflies in my stomach, something I hadn't felt in awhile- making me almost crave this.

"Mhm" I hummed out to answer his question

And just as he leaned down to let his lips touch mine- just as I felt his lips graze mine

I heard something that I've always loved

But this time

It wasn't so pleasing to hear

"Sissy I'm hungry"

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