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A few days later we returned home, and luckily the flight home was much better.

We all slept

When we weren't sleeping we all watched movies together or talked quietly

It wasn't half as miserable as the flight to Australia.

As soon as we landed in California and got our bags, Ashton hugged Luke, Michael and Calum goodbye, I gave small waves along with Cleo, and we went in our separate ways.

Ashton drove us back to the apartment where we all immediately cuddled up on the couch, looking to the fire place and watching a movie.

As it got later, I made Cleo bathe as Ashton and I cleaned the kitchen from dinner.

I soon put Cleo to bed, tucking her in and giving her several kisses

Luckily, she was exhausted from the day and fell asleep quickly.

I showered after Ashton, quickly getting dressed after, joining Ashton in bed happily.

I pecked his lips gently before plugging in my phone, hearing him laugh.

"What?" I questioned, turning back to him, seeing him smiling as he looked to me.

"You're oddly happy" he spoke slowly.

"I'm always happy" I spoke out quietly

"True, but this is a different level of happy" He spoke, tucking some of my hair behind my ear as I shrugged, placing my hands onto his bare stomach.

"I guess I'm just excited that we get to go to work tomorrow"

The next morning- Ashton and I woke up with loads of energy.

We got ready listening to music and singing to each other before we both woke Cleo up by talking loudly, covering her with kisses, and Ashton finishing it off by blowing onto her stomach- making her whine out.

She hated mornings, I'm sure all of this made her hate it even more.

I fixed her cereal, carrying her to the table where she ate silently, watching Ashton and I act like idiots.

We hadn't been to work in over a week

And we loved our jobs

We had something to be excited over.

We soon brought Cleo to Maddie's house, and she seemed more than ready to get away from us.

We then went to work, where I changed into my scrubs in his office, feeling him kiss my cheek firmly

"See you on the floor"

The day turned out to be long

There was no serious surgeries or trauma for any of us to be assigned to.

So we did charts, rounds, and sutures.

Just as the day ended and I went to Ashton's office, sighing out- feeling the ache in my feet from being on them all day

I changed before waiting on him, soon seeing him enter, the smallest smile on his lips

"I have bad news" he mumbled, grabbing my hips and pulling me closer to him

I hummed lightly, looking to him, feeling a twinge of nervousness.

"I have to travel for work next month, I'll be gone for two weeks" he spoke

I felt my body slouch at the disappointing news

"So I'm stuck with just the interns?" I questioned slowly.

"Calum will be my acting replacement for the time being"

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