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We went into the kitchen, and we both started cooking.

I made pancakes as he did bacon.

We listened to music, tried not to hit each other due to the limited space- but yet we laughed when we did.

Just as I finished, I turned to head to the fridge, in search for juice, and I ran straight into his chest, but yet neither of us spoke.

I looked up to him, he looked down to me.

I laughed lightly as we held eye contact

"You're burning the bacon"


Just as I started pouring glasses of juice, Cleo appeared in the doorway, her hair in a bundle of mess- rubbing her tired eyes.

"Hi beautiful" I smiled out, looking to her.

She smiled back, her eyes cutting to Ashton.

"This is Ashton, Ashton this is Cleo" I introduced them, making Ashton crouch to her height.

"Hi" he spoke, extending his hand to her, making her look to his hand before looking to me, her shyness taking over.

"Shake his hand" I spoke towards her.

She did as I said, repeating the smallest little "hi"

"Do you want some pancakes?" I asked, making her face immediately light up.

The three of us grabbed all of the food, bringing it to the table.

We all ate, Ashton and I listening to Cleo talking about what her and Janet had been doing.

"And we made bracelets" she spoke- sticking her hand up quickly to show me the bracelet.

"That's so pretty, you did good baby girl" I spoke quickly, sending her a small wink.

I saw Cleo immediately look back to Ashton.

"You're big" She spoke.

Ashton laughed lightly.

"That could be offensive" he spoke back, making confusion appear visibly on her face.

"Can't use big words with a three year old" I mumbled, making him glance to me.

"I am big" he confirmed with a nod, making me smile, trying my hardest not to laugh.

"Are you sissy's friend?" She asked him.

"Yeah- I'm your sisters friend" he spoke with a cocky smile.

She looked to me, as if asking me the same thing

"He is" I nodded lightly.

"Can we watch movie?"

I put on a movie for Cleo before joining Ashton in the kitchen- seeing him cleaning.

"Stop" I laughed, pushing him out of the way of the sink.

"Don't push! I'm helping!" He yelled out playfully.

"Don't clean the mess- that's my job" I mumbled out.

"I helped you create the mess- therefore it's a team effort" he spoke back quickly.

We started shoving each other- declaring who had what job- which resulted into us full on fighting, grabbing each other's arms, trying to get each other down.

I soon fell to the ground- Ashton directly behind me, falling almost directly on top of me

"Shit" Ashton laughed out, holding himself above me as I laughed with him

"What's a shit?" Cleo's voice rang from the doorway.

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