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After that I almost ran to Ashton's office.

As I knocked, the door immediately swung open and I quickly ran in, making him shut it behind me as I jumped into his arms for a tight hug.

I was so relieved

So thankful that the hiding was over- for the most part.

We pulled away, he kept his hands on my sides as I kept mine on his chest

"One last thing" he spoke with the smallest smile

I raised my eyebrows, seeing his cheeks almost blushing

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, making me immediately smile with him, laughing lightly.

"Yes, I will gladly be your girlfriend" I spoke, pecking his lips firmly, feeling him smile into the kiss.

"I gotta go check on my patient" I spoke after a moment, seeing him nod.

"I'll see you tonight?" He questioned.

"As soon as we get off" I confirmed.

I stayed with my patient for majority of the rest of the day, only leaving when I was paged to the ER for little assignments.

Soon it was time to leave

I went to my locker, grabbing my jacket and bag, slipping my jacket on and throwing my bag over my shoulder.

I walked to Ashton's office, seeing him walking out as I did.

"Ready?" He smiled

"Yeah" I confirmed with a nod.

We drove home separately and I picked up Cleo, bringing her to the apartment where Ashton was cooking.

I set Cleo's coloring books up, putting her a movie on and letting her entertain herself.

I went to Ashton, wrapping my arms around the back of him as he cooked, feeling one of his hands rest on my own.

"What all did the Chief say to you?" He asked me, turning to me with a smile.

"He went on a long spill about how good of an intern I am, he talked about how well you treated me, he said that we had his support and to not get pregnant for at least three more years" I laughed out, seeing Ashton smile

"I think we can manage waiting that long" Ashton grinned.

"I surely hope- I want to be out of my internship before a baby" I spoke, feeling him peck my lips gently.

"No need to rush into anything, we can just be happy."

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