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I immediately went to Maddie's house, knowing it was late but yet wanting Cleo.

I walked in, seeing her smiling as she held her sleeping Janet.

"She's sleeping on the loveseat" Maddie whispered out.

I moved to the love seat, seeing my lump of love.

"Thank you so much" I whispered to Maddie.

"She's an Angel- I'll see you tomorrow" she winked out,

I picked Cleo up, carrying her to my car and putting her in.

I buckled her sleeping body up before driving us both home.

I carried her into our apartment, locking the door behind me.

I put her in my bed, surrounding her by pillow so she couldn't fall off.

I showered and got into a big t shirt and shorts before climbing into my bed with her.

I played on my phone for a few minutes before setting my alarms and plugging in my phone, pulling Cleo's small body into my own.

I kissed her head gently before letting the exhaustion take over.

I woke up to my alarms the next morning.

Cleo woke with me- letting out a small stretch, making me smile.

"Morning beautiful" I spoke quietly to her.

She sent me the smallest smile.

"When did we come home?" She asked, tilting her head.

"We did last night, I got you while you were sleeping" I spoke, making her nod understandingly.

"Wanna go get IHOP?"

I never get a no to that.

We went to IHOP and ordered before talking to each other, mainly myself asking how her day was yesterday.

"I like Janet" she spoke, making me smile to her.

"I'm glad you do sissy" I spoke, squeezing her hand as she set it on the table.

Just as our food got to the table I caught a glance of a familiar body.


We made eye contact, holding it before I broke it, looking to Cleo.

I took a few pictures of her, setting one as my lock screen before eating with her, listening to her talk about everything they did yesterday

"I colored a cat"

"I thought you didn't like cats" I spoke back, seeing her shrug

"I never said I didn't like coloring cats."

I smiled to her, glancing around the restaurant and seeing Stapleton staring straight to Cleo.

I immediately stopped eating.

I moved to her side of the table, blocking his view of her.

I didn't rush her eating, but I wanted her to finish as quickly as she could.

As she finished I quickly payed before picking her up, making eye contact with Stapleton once more before leaving.

I buckled her into her car seat before getting in, leaving more than frustrated.

Now everyone in the hospital will most likely think I have a kid, great.

I got us to the apartment where Cleo and I colored and played a few games before cuddling up on the couch and watching movies.

"When do you have to go?" He asked as she laid on my chest, never looking away from the screen.

"I'm going to bring you to Janet's house in about an hour"

She hummed quietly, making me kiss her head.

Around ten I brought her to Janet'a house, thanking everyone before heading back to the hospital.

I went in and immediately changed, quickly putting my hair into a high ponytail.

"Irwin wants us to meet him in his office" Stapleton spoke towards me with the smallest smile.

I walked with him, keeping my hands tucked into my jacket pocket.

We went into Irwin's office, standing almost at attention, side by side.

He looked up to us, clapping.

"Everyone slept well?" He asked.

We all gave silent nods in return.

"Okay, lets make rounds"

We did as said, following him from room to room and doing a small exam before figuring out what surgery was needed.

It was always a game figuring out who needed what surgery, and I just happened to be the best out of all the guys.

"Diagnosis" Irwin spoke for one patient and I went silent, trying to give the other guys the opportunity to answer, and I watched as they flipped through their notes.

Irwin and I made eye contact.

"Doctor Johnson, diagnosis" he spoke to me.

"Appendicitis" I spoke immediately, seeing a small simple appear as he smiled.

"Guys, get on your games."

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