Back To Reality

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I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and grabbed my bag before I headed out of the front door, ready for another day of boring school. My brother gave me a shove as I walked out the door.

"Why are you so eager to get to school?" he asked mischievously.

"None of your business," I replied stepping forward. He blocked my way to the door and I resisted the urge to shove him back so that he would stumble and get out if my way. Although he was extremely irritating I couldn't make myself do that

"Is it a boy?" He asked snickering, setting my anger to a higher level, but I didn't allow it to show.

"No," I said calmly. "I just wanted to see my friends."

I ruffled his hair playfully as his face fell and he stepped aside so that I could walk out. As I stepped out into the cool morning air I hesitated before turning on my heel to face my little brother.

"Why did you think I would go to school early all because of a boy, Squirt?" I asked

"Well, I'm not sure, I'm just surprised that you've never had a boyfriend before," he shrugged. "Wouldn't most of the other girls in your year have a boyfriend? Or at least had one in the past? What are you doing wrong?"

I laughed at my little brother and shook my head, then informed him, "I'm not interested in anyone and I'm not every other girl. I don't see the point of getting my heart broken."

"You're just scared," he teased pointing a finger at me. My muscles tensed and I sent a cold glare in his direction.

"Lachlan, I'm not scared," I said in a cold tone. "Can't you accept the fact that I don't want a boyfriend?"

My little brother shook his head and thought for a minute. He was definitely trying to push my buttons.

"I'm going to be late," I sighed glancing at my watch. "See you later, Squirt."

I hurried down the street and towards the shops. First day of year ten was going to be daunting not having my best friend by my side so we'd decided to meet up beforehand. He knew that I often worried about what people thought of me but that was triggered because of a certain someone. He always laughed at me and made me feel uncomfortable. I just shook my head and forgot about him straight away so that I could start the day for once without worrying about him and his little gang.

I walked into the little coffee shop a couple of streets away from the school and waved at the manager who was at the front desk. My parents were very good friends with him and he'd always greet us in an extremely friendly manner and often gave us discounts.

I walked up to the front desk and smiled at the tall brunette in front of me.

"Good morning Liam," I greeted the manager.

"What will it be this time?" Liam teased. "The same old hot chocolate or something new?"

"Same old hot chocolate," I laughed and handed him some coins. Liam was always so cheerful and laid back. It made me wish that I was just like him. He had this way of making other people feel better about themselves by just his constant happy mood.

He quickly prepared my hot chocolate while I looked around the room. Sure enough I saw the group of popular people walking a few streets away from the small cafe. My heart sank. I hated them. It wasn't that I hated all popular people it was just how one of them happened to treat me that turned me against them. His friends were all like his little sidekicks, they'd do whatever he said. They made people feel like dirt and it wasn't fair. Just because they were better than me didn't mean that they could go around and make my life a living hell.

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