Torn Apart

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I heard the doorbell ring and I quickly ran down the stairs, my hands shaking. Ever since Reece had said this won't be the last of it I had been full of terror. I opened the door cautiously, flung it wide open and smiled when I saw Aiden. I motioned for him to step inside and he grabbed my hand, giving it a tight squeeze.

"Mum!" I called. "Dad! Aiden's here!"

It was unusual for dad to be home. Over the last couple of months he had been working overtime and getting home very late. I had hardly seen him and I was ecstatic to have him home more. He walked through the door and smiled warmly at Aiden. Dad liked Aiden. He believed that Aiden had a lot of respect for me, which he did. After all that he had done for me I started to wonder if I should've been giving Aiden more.

"The boy's back," dad said, patting Aiden on the back. "Your mothers in the kitchen cooking lunch. Be at the table soon."

I led Aiden upstairs and passed my annoying little brother who blew me a kiss. I rolled my eyes at him. Aiden sat down on my bed and sighed.

"I've missed you L," he stuttered. I blushed.

"First my full name, then Lana, now L?" I smiled at him. "Nice nicknames."

"You don't like it?" He asked, his smile gone.

"Of course I do," I sat beside him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek while he put his arm around me. "I've missed you too Aiden."

It was the middle of the school holidays. Reece and Sam hadn't touched us for a while, but they'd continued staring. Aiden noticed me shaking.

"Are you alright?" He asked. I looked away and stood up. His arm fell back onto the bed.

"Never been better," I lied, looking back at him and smiling. He must of known it was fake. He was by my side in an instant, holding my face in his hands.

"They won't hurt you," he whispered. "We're protecting you."

"I know that," I sighed and he dropped his hands from my face as I looked down. "I just hate seeing you all hurt yourselves for me. I shouldn't even be this worried. It's nothing."

"We don't blame you for being worried," he whispered. "We all are."

"Thanks," I said meeting his gaze.

"We haven't been hurt in a long time," he chuckled and I smiled. "It's alright."

We walked downstairs and sat at the table to eat lunch with the family. My family all liked Aiden a lot. Lachlan pulled funny faces at him and Aiden would often pull funny faces back.

"So how's school, Aiden?" My mother asked, bringing the food to the table. "You haven't been getting into any trouble have you?"

We exchanged a look then he laughed.

"Of course not," he chuckled. "I've got too much other stuff to think about. Wouldn't plan on starting any trouble."

"It's good to see your boy has his priorities in order," my father said.

Aiden smiled and we ate lunch in peace. Mum and dad would keep the conversation going, asking Aiden lots of questions about how he was and Aiden would reply happily. Once we'd finished lunch we sat in the lounge room by ourselves and watched a movie. Aiden pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to me.

"Amber gave me these last week," he said. "I want you to have one."

I fiddled with the two photos in my hands. They were the photos Amber had taken at her party. The first one was of Aiden and I smiling at eachother. The next one was us smiling at the camera. I pulled the first one out and examined it again. It was beautiful.

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