Unusual Feelings

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Friday came in a flash and yet again my stomach churned at the thought of facing Aiden. We hadn't spoken since the incident and I had been avoiding eye contact. It was just the way I dealt with things, I'd shy away which wasn't good. I needed to learn to face my issues but that just wasn't like me.

After school I walked home by myself. Chelsea was going to the movies with Jake so I was alone. I heard footsteps behind me and turned worried. After Sam's attack I had been very edgy.

"Alana! Wait!" I heard Aiden call. My heart stopped as I flicked my head to see him running towards me. I turned and kept walking, not wanting to hear another word he said but he caught up to me.

"I'm sorry," he said panting. "I didn't mean what I said on Thursday."

"Why'd you say it then?" I asked coldly. Why did Aiden have such an impact on me?

"I was just mad," he answered. "I wasn't really coping with the new changes and I took it out on you." I ignored him. "Let me make it up to you." He was now walking beside me catching his breath. It was so hard not to look into his hypnotizing brown eyes. I mentally face palmed myself. I was sounding crazy. It was then that I realised he was expecting me to reply.

"How?" I asked, still not looking at him.

"I'll take you to your little coffee shop that you like and I'll pay," he suggested. How did he know about the coffee shop I loved?

"I'm not thirsty," I replied and kept walking. It was so hard to resist.

"Please," he said stepping in front of me and blocking my way. For the first time that night I looked up at him. His brown eyes were pleading and I couldn't force myself to say no again. I actually wanted to go with him.

"Fine," I surrendered. He smiled down at me and I tried to hold back my own smile that was about to spread across my face, but it didn't work.

He led me into the coffee shop and I waved at Liam as I passed the counter. Aiden and I sat at a table and he pulled out his wallet.

"I have money," I said, reaching into my bag to find my purse. His eyes met mine and he smiled.

"Your unbelievable," he shook his head and laughed a little. I tried to process his words but didn't understand what he meant. He noticed my confused look and grinned. "I mean that you are unbelievably nice. I haven't met a lot of people like you."

"But I ignored you," I sighed, still not understanding how he could think I was nice.

"Because I hurt your feelings a few nights ago," he added quickly. "If anyone's mean it's me."

"But you're my hero," I blurted out. What was I thinking, saying something as stupid as that? "I mean, you, um, you, well-"

"Stress less," he suddenly chuckled. "It's okay. I kind of am your hero, I mean I have been helping you." He quickly changed the subject. "What do you want to drink?"

"I'll just have a hot chocolate," I answered slightly embarrassed.

He stood up and walked to the counter to order our drinks. He came back with two hot chocolates. I smiled at him as he placed mine in front of me.

"I really am sorry," he apologised again taking a seat opposite me. He sipped his hot chocolate as he waited for my reply.

"It's fine really," I said. "I should be apologising to you."

He shook his head quickly and smiled at me. He had such a nice smile.

"I helped you," he replied. "It was my choice."

I gave him a timid smile and we drank our hot chocolates in silence. He was first to finish and he waited for me to finish. I took one last gulp and checked my phone for the time. I should've been home already.

"I'd better get home," I said grabbing my bag.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he replied standing up, tossing our cups into the bin. He opened the door for me and then asked, "are you helping Amber set up the party?"

"Yes," I answered. "Why?"

"My mum can drive you there if you want?" He offered. I was shocked and confused with his sudden offer.

"It's fine," I replied surprised. "I can get there myself. I really have to go. Bye."

I hurried off and didn't look back. Chelsea would be very surprised, just like I was.

When I got home I called Chelsea and asked how the movies went. She was very enthusiastic and excited.

"It was great," she told me. "We saw a comedy and we couldn't stop laughing. Jake bought the food even though I told him not to. It was really sweet of him." I noticed a bit of hesitation as she spoke and wondered why she was hesitant.

"He is sweet," I replied, smiling. "You two do have a chance. It's not often that he asks a girl to go to the movies. And also, are you hiding an important part from me?"

"No, no of course not," she stuttered. "Well maybe I missed out the part where he kind of put his arm around me."

I squealed into the phone and jumped onto my bed.

"He so likes you," I giggled. "You are so lucky!"

"Cool," she said quietly. She was probably embarrassed. "Guess what."

"What?" I asked enthusiastically.

"I don't have to wear glasses anymore," Chelsea answered, giggling.

"That's awesome, you hated them," I said. "So what did Jake say when he saw you without them?" I even raised my eyebrows twice in anticipation although she couldn't see me.

"He said I looked beautiful," she exclaimed. "Then he said that I was always beautiful so it didn't really matter."

"That's so sweet," I nearly screamed into the phone.

"So have you talked to Aiden?" She asked. Silence. I had no idea what to say.

"He bought me a hot chocolate this afternoon," I finally said. "Then I guess we started talking. He won't talk to me at school though."

"That was nice of him," Chelsea replied. "I never see him around girls, you're lucky."

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"He's making an effort to talk to you and stuff," Chelsea informed me. "You could have a chance with him."

I suddenly felt heat rise to my cheeks and my stomach started doing flips. I didn't know what to say.

"For once you aren't ranting about how boys are assholes," she laughed into the phone. "Is Aiden different?"

"He's just nicer than I expected," I finally said, laying back on my bed.

"Ooh," Chelsea teased. "Seems like someone's got the hots for him."

"No!" I defended immediately. "Aiden and I... Never going to happen."

"Defensive," she laughed and I rolled my eyes. "You know what they say about girls who get defensive."

"No I don't actually," I sighed.

"Well if they get defensive they obviously like the guy," she teased.

"Myth," I said immediately. "Aiden's just another guy. He's not even my type."

"Who is," she sighed into the phone. "You've never had a boyfriend so I have no idea what your type is."

"I don't need a boyfriend," I laughed and rubbed my eyes. "It's late, I think I might get some sleep. I'll see you at the party."

She said goodbye and I quickly hung up. Was I starting to fall for Aiden?

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