Moving On

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I pushed past the crowd of people and looked at my map again. Why was the university so big? I had been here for a couple of weeks now and I was still getting lost. It was hopeless, absolutely and completely hopeless. I sat down on a bench and sighed. If I had my high school friends by my side I'd be alright. But this wasn't high school, this was university. I was older and I needed to take care of myself. I also needed to let go of my past. 

My friends had gone to different universities and it was hard to see them but we always found a way. We were all hanging out at Amber's house this weekend.

Why'd it have to be Amber's house? That house had so many memories. It was the night that i had seen the real Aiden, the Aiden that he had been hiding from everyone. That was the night I knew that I cared about him. He'd showed me his true self. He hadn't cared about what I thought, he was just himself. It had made me feel special. But Aiden had always been able to make me feel special. I quickly wiped away a tear that had run down my cheek.

Why was I still thinking about him? He'd left years ago. He was probably happy now. He'd probably moved on and forgotten all about me. Maybe he'd found another girl who was smarter and prettier than I ever could've been.

I gathered my things and walked around the wide spaces again. I didn't have any classes today, but I had nothing else to do and I thought I should try and get familiar with my surroundings.

I noticed a bunch of guys running towards the centre of the university where I remembered there was a large square that had steps up into one of the buildings. It was a perfect place for students to make speeches. I followed the group, wondering what today's speech would be about.

The square was crowded, there were people everywhere. I stood on my tip toes to get a glimpse of the guy who was standing at the front steps pacing. I pushed through the crowd to get a better look. He had shaggy brown hair and I couldn't see his eye colour yet, but he seemed like he had something interesting to say. Either that or it was something hilarious i guessed from the strange looks on people's faces and the small giggles that excaped their lips.

"Quiet!" someone yelled. "The man's trying to tell a story!"

Everyone immediately went quiet and started to listen.

"It's just about his high school crush," someone else laughed and I rolled my eyes at them. Although it seemed stupid to tell the whole university about your high school crush I wanted to know what he would say. I didn't want idiots with no respect ruining it for him. This kind of stuff interested me and maybe, just maybe he'd been in a similar situation to me.

"If you don't want to listen, then leave!" the guy shouted out into the crowd. He ran his hand through his brown hair and let out a huge sigh. A few people left and I pushed through the crowd until I was close to the front.

"Go on," someone from the crowd said. "We want to know."

"Alright," the man sighed. "The first time I saw her I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was unlike anyone I had seen. She was smart and pretty and had a personality like no one else. But she was an outcast and I was popular. I didn't care about anyone at that time in my life but she changed me. She made me learn to care."

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