Saved Again

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The weekend passed and I worried about going back to school.

A week went by and Aiden still wasn't at school which caused my worrying to worsen. Reece would constantly smile slyly at me in form assembly and whenever I saw Sam he'd give me a malicious grin which sent my heart beating like crazy. I was petrified.


It was the third week back at school and I scanned the oval for Sam and his gang. They were there yet again. I looked desperately for Aiden but he still didn't show. It was hopeless. He would be avoiding Sam not staying around him. I also remembered each class I had with Aiden. It worried me that I didn't see him in any of the classes either. I hoped desperately that nothing had happened to him. I'd never forgive myself if. Sam had hurt him all because of me.


It was Wednesday and I grabbed my books for my English lesson in period one and two. Chelsea met me at form assembly and quietly calmed me whenever I'd freak out about the situation. Reece kept constant watch of me. I'd often hear him laugh or chuckle at how cowardly I looked. It scared me. I'd tried to put on a brave face many times but it never seemed to work.

When I went off to my English class I finally relaxed. Aiden was there! He glanced at me and disappeared into the group of students. I walked over and sure enough he was at the back. He looked at me again and subtly shook his head. I stayed away. He obviously didn't want me near him.

I was surprised when he sat in the seat next to me for the double period. He said nothing and didn't look at me once.

At the end of class his fingers brushed against mine as we stood up to leave. He had given me something. Before I could ask he was gone.

When I was alone in the lockers I pulled the note out and slowly unfolded it. It read:

Forget about it, it didn't happen, if you need to talk here's my address.

I slowly turned the sheet over to read his address. I stuffed the sheet in my pocket as I saw Chelsea walking up to me.

"Guess who I saw," she said jumping up and down. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. "Aiden's here and he's fine."

"I had double English with him," I smiled.

"He's alone," Chelsea told me. "We should give him some company."

I remembered what was written on the sheet. He didn't want anything to do with it or me.

"I think I'll give him some time to get used to the changes," I shrugged. "He might not want people around him at the moment."

I was relieved that Aiden was fine but at the same time I was worried. What would he do now?


I walked home with Chelsea that night ready for an awesome sleepover. She babbled about all of her subjects and told me about Science in the morning with Jake. I smiled as I listened to her talking cheerfully. She was finally happy again.

We arrived at her house and she walked inside and led me to her room. All over her bedroom walls were photos of her and Jake and she seemed slightly embarrassed.

"We should put some of us up there," she suggested but she quickly changed the subject. "Did you get invited to Amber's party?"

"Yes," I answered plopping my bag down on the floor. "I didn't expect to get invited."

"I don't think Sam will be there," Chelsea assumed. "He doesn't like Amber."

"Even if he was there he wouldn't want to cause a scene in front of everyone," I pointed out. "It would be too risky." We laughed.

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