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"I know something's wrong," Jake stated. I stared at my apple and didn't look up. Why couldn't an apple be more interesting, then I could pretend like I was too mesmerised by my apple to know that he was talking to me. I felt like a coward for being scared of Sam. After all he was just another student at this school.

"I'm fine, really," I reassured him. He didn't buy it.

He raised his eyebrows at me and I looked up at him meeting his curious eyes.

"Why don't you believe me?" I asked.

He took the apple from my hand and hesitated. "You said fine. Your hiding something."

Apparently when a girl says that they are fine they're actually not. Jake had told me this when we were younger. I didn't understand how they figured it out but it was very true, at least for me. When I was upset or worried I'd always say I was fine.

"That's a myth," I groaned rolling my eyes. I slumped back against the wall of one of the buildings near the oval.

"Well, I know you," he continued. "When your worried you don't eat."

I took the apple from him and took a massive bite. "Happy?" I asked smiling at him.

"That's better," he answered. He leant on the wall next to me and turned to face me. "Spill," he demanded.

"Okay, okay," I surrendered. "This sounds stupid but today Sam and his mates cornered me and one of his friends is in my class and he said something about having fun with me and he gives me the creeps and I'm really worried and scared."

I hid my face afterwards and turned the other way. It all came out so quickly it sounded even sillier than it had in my head. What had gotten into me?

"Lani," he said softly putting a hand on my shoulder. "It's only first day. Nothing's going to happen. They'll probably forget about whatever it was anyway."

"I'll try not to worry," I replied still not facing him. "It's weird though, I met another girl who seemed scared of Sam as well.

I turned to face him again and I looked into his brown eyes. He was thinking and the way his eyes suddenly went cold got me worried. His eyes were always bright and happy, now they were... Scary.

"Was it Chelsea Rodrigues?" He asked suddenly.

"How'd you know," I replied stunned. "What do you know about her."

"I don't know anything," he faltered looking down at his feet. "She just sounded familiar."

Jake started to walk away and I stared after him stunned. What was he hiding from me?


I saw Chelsea in period five. She was sitting alone staring at her hands, obviously deep in thought. Jake hadn't talked to me since I mentioned her which was odd for Jake. He told me everything. Maybe I was overreacting, after all it was a bad habit of mine. I shrugged it off and walked towards the empty seat beside her.

"Hi," I greeted slipping into the seat next to her.

"Hi, I'm Chelsea," she introduced herself.

"I know," I replied a little confused. Chelsea raised her eyebrow at me. "I had to come and get you because of the mistake with the forms."

"Oh sorry," she stuttered rubbing her temples. "I forget things easily. I've had a lot on my mind."

"Oh," I hesitated. "Just first day nerves?"

"That and other things," she chuckled uneasily. "I saw you with Jake Lucas at recess. Are you two friends?"

"Yeh, he's my best friend," I grinned. "He's amazing. You know he's helped me through everything.

"He's very nice," Chelsea said fiddling with her pen.

"You know him?" I asked suddenly curious.

"Yes," she answered but I noticed that she hesitated a bit. "We've been neighbors for a long time. We used to hang out a lot. I remember he was the one who helped me learn to draw."

Just then the teacher ordered the class to open their books and I didn't get another chance to ask Chelsea about anything else.


The second day passed and Jake didn't show up. I didn't see Chelsea in any of my classes today but I noticed that she was at school. She often walked around the school alone and she always seemed edgy. She'd look over her shoulder multiple times as if she were worried she was being followed. I wondered why she didn't spend time with Jake when she knew him. Wouldn't she rather have some company than walk around alone?

Reece often gave me weird looks that made my stomach churn. He'd smile maliciously at me like he had something planned. Maybe he did but then again after Jake told me that it was probably nothing I came to the conclusion that I was most likely over reacting.


The next day I talked to Chelsea in form assembly. She was a really nice girl and I wondered why she didn't hang out with Jake anymore. All of these unanswered questions were driving me crazy. I'd always known I was a curious person but for some reason I could hardly contain the questions that threatened to spill out of my mouth. Suddenly Chelsea froze and stared at the figure in front of her. My eyes drifted from her shocked face to the person who was now kneeling down on one knee in front of the desk, his arms folded on top of it. Reece.

"So Rodrigues, found a friend?" He asked a sly look on his face.

Chelsea wouldn't speak. She was frozen in place. I looked from Reece to Chelsea and back again. Chelsea didn't seem scared she just stayed quiet, staring coldly at Reece. I could sense the tension and I didn't like it.

"Just leave her alone," I pleaded. Reece turned to me and I sunk back in my chair. At least Chelsea could keep a straight face, I just shyed away. No wonder they enjoyed teasing me, I was so weak.

"That's nice, you sticking up for your friend," he smiled turning his attention to Chelsea again. "That's what friends do right? Tell eachother secrets, stick up for eachother. They hardly ever keep secrets from eachother."

He snickered while Chelsea wouldn't move a muscle. Her gaze drifted to her hands and she wouldn't meet Reece's eyes. All she did was ignore him, but one of the things Reece hated most was being ignored.

"I'm talking to you!" Reece bellowed and shook Chelsea's arm but before he shook her roughly she slapped him in the face. It all happened in slow motion. All eyes were suddenly on her and she turned her head slightly to look at me. Behind those glasses her green eyes sparkled with unshed tears. She swept her books up swiftly and hurried out of the room. Reece stared after her holding his cheek. He then looked at my stunned face.

"Don't look so surprised," he growled standing up and leaning down so that he was inches away from me. "You hardly know her."

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