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I saw black but I heard muffled voices. There was an excruciating pain in my leg and I heard the faint sound of sirens.

"Alana? Alana, answer me please," I heard someone murmur close by. Their voice was muffled by tears.

"Mum!" I heard someone else yell. "Is she okay? Please tell me she's okay!"

I heard a small sob beside me. Then there was the perfect identity. My mum was soothing someone. I always knew when she was soothing someone she always had a soft voice and said shoosh very calmly. Was the person who sobbed Lachlan?

I tried to speak but words wouldn't escape my mouth. Instead I let out a small choked sound, attempting to say something.

"Alana?" I heard her say. I knew it was her. "It's alright sweetheart, there's an ambulance here."

My eyes were closed and I recognised some of the other voices. I heard Aiden's mum. I heard my brothers small sobs. Then I heard two other people.

"You idiot!" I heard someone yell. "You've already hurt her once! Who do you think you are?!"

"Aiden!" I heard someone say. "Stop it!"

"Yeah loser!" I heard someone else say. It sounded a lot like Sam. "If she hadn't of been on the road my brother would never have hit her!"

"It's still your fault you idiot!" I heard Aiden yell. "You've hurt her!"

"Boys stop!" I heard my mother say.

I didn't remember anything after that. It was all a blur. One minute I was on the road the next I was lying in a bed in a hospital room. Then there were nurses saying reassuring things but I can't remember what they were saying. I fell back asleep quickly and lay in the comfortable bed resting peacefully.

I woke up and blinked my eyes a few times. I slowly turned my head and looked around me. I saw my mother asleep in the chair next to my bed. Lachlan looked at me and I gave him a small smile. His eyes were red, probably from crying and he let out a sigh of relief. He shook mum and she woke, eyes bright when she saw that I was alright.

"You're alright," she said, standing and kissing my forehead. "You really should be more careful. I should tell Aiden and his mum that you're okay."

"Aiden seemed pretty worried," Lachlan murmured. Then he smiled slightly. "So, is he your boyfriend?"

I felt my cheeks burn. "No," I gasped hardly able to talk.

"You like him don't you?" Lachlan asked again. He still had the energy to tease me about my pathetic love life.

I closed my eyes as my mother gave Lachlan a warning look. I suddenly heard her speak. Obviously Aiden or his mother had answered the phone.

"Would you like to see Aiden?" My mother asked. I didn't know what to say. I did want to see him but I didn't. He'd hurt my feelings and I wasn't in the right state of mind to see him. Maybe I overreacted but I didn't want to talk to him yet. At the same time I wanted him there right beside me so I knew that it was okay. He had a way of making me feel like nothing was wrong when in reality there was actually something wrong. I didn't give mum an answer. Instead she made the decision for me.

"You can come see her if you want," I heard her say and I sighed. After mum ended the call she turned to me. "How do you feel?"

"I'm not sure," I replied and I heard my stomach rumble. "Hungry."

"I'll get you some food when Aiden gets here," mum laughed. She turned serious. "I was so worried."

"You didn't need to be," I replied weakly. "I'm alright."

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