One Great Party

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The next day passed quickly and before I knew it it was time to get ready for Amber's party.

I quickly brushed my auburn hair and put on a small amount of eye makeup. I slipped on an aqua dress that was tight around my waste but flowy at the bottom. It reached just above my knees and complimented my body. I slipped on a silver necklace with a blue gem and put some blue studs in my ears. I spun around and examined myself in the mirror. I was surprised at my sudden transformation. I actually looked nice for once.

I had wanted to wear shorts but Amber had told me that she'd wanted me to wear a dress. She said that I would look great and that no one had ever seen me in a dress and she was definitely right.

I spun around and grabbed the pair of black flats on my neatly made bed and slipped them on. I timidly walked out of my room to the staircase.

"Mum!" I called. "I'm ready!"

I walked down the steps slowly and and met my mother and brother at the bottom.

"The boys are going to love you tonight," Lachlan teased. I rolled my eyes at him. He was so annoying.

"You look gorgeous," my mother said embracing me in a tight hug which I returned.

"Thank you," I replied surprised by their kind gestures. I didn't really believe that I looked as pretty, I only believed that I looked nicer than usual. "We should go now. I don't want to be late."

"Wait one second," my mother instructed rushing down the hallway and coming back with a shoe box. "I bought these for you."

She opened the lid and I saw a pair of beautiful high heels. They were strappy but simple and plain black. They looked stunning.

"Thank you mum," I replied, touched. I slipped the heels on and we made our way to the car. When we arrived at Amber's house I grabbed my bag and her card and said goodbye to my mum and Lachlan. They drove off and I started walking up to the front door. I heard another car and saw Aiden step out. He was wearing a nice white T-shirt with black jeans. His brown hair was in it's usual messy style but somehow he managed to pull it off. I tried not to stare at him but it was hard to take my eyes away.

"Alana!" He called grabbing his bag and walking casually up to me. He looked me up and down and smiled. "You look great."

"So do you," I laughed taken back by his sudden compliment. His brown eyes met my greyish-blue ones and I swear my heart melted. His eyes were so beautiful.

We walked inside to see Luke and Amber kissing. I exchanged a funny look with Aiden and he just tried to hold back a laugh. He cleared his throat and Amber pulled away to look at us wide eyed. She brought her hands up to her cheeks trying to hide her red face.

"Sorry," she apologised grabbing me by the hand and leading me into the kitchen. Aiden and Luke followed close behind us. "Mum this is Alana and that's Aiden." She gestured at us. Amber's mum was placing a tray of cupcakes on the bench.

"It's nice to meet you," she greeted before turning to Amber. "I have to go over to your aunts and see your cousins. You'll be fine tonight?"

"We'll be fine," Amber reassured her mother. "I've got your number and dads so if there's an emergency I'll call."

"That's my girl," Ambers mother replied kissing Amber on the forehead and quickly walking out the door. When Amber's mum was gone Amber looked me up and down.

"You look amazing!" She exclaimed. "I told you to wear a dress. I told you that you would look good and here you are in heels and a dress and you look stunning." I heard Aiden chuckle behind me. I turned to face him, a little embarrassed.

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