11 - [EDITED]

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After a few days, it was finally Bella's birthday. The thirteenth of September. 

Ashley and her mom had driven out to Port Angeles to get her a gift. Rosalie wasn't happy about Bella nor throwing her a birthday party but even she knew that once Alice had set something in her mind, it happened.

As soon as Ashley spotted Bella in the parking spot of the school next to Edward she quickly went over and gave her a hug. 

"Happy birthday!" Ashley exclaimed. Bella smiled uncomfortably and thanked her, but before they could talk any further, the three of them spotted Jacob.

He was there to wish Bella a happy birthday as well. Ashley crossed her arms and hit Edward with her shoulder. "Jealous are we?" She teased him. 

Edward rolled his eyes at her. "You'd think that, wouldn't you?" After that and a hand wave to Ashley, Jacob left.

The rest of the day went uneventful as it would. When Bella and Ashley got together in their last hour, Bella opened up to Ashley. She was sad that she was turning eighteen and Edward was staying seventeen. 

"Uh, you know that he's actually older? Much older than that," Ashley commented slowly. She didn't want anyone else hearing this. 

Bella shrugged. "No, I know, I know, it's just that, uhm, he'll be looking like seventeen while I keep looking older, unless," she said and then stopped. 


Bella bit her lip and then looked at Ashley. She was unsure of how she would react. "Unless he turns me," she finally said. 

Ashley furrowed her brows. "You mean, becoming like them?" 

Bella nodded and Ashley sighed loudly. "Haven't you ever thought about it before? I mean, they're your family, unless you turn too you'll eventually die and they'll keep living, without you," 

Ashley breathed out in frustration. In truth, she never actually thought about the future. She always liked to live in the present. 

"No, I didn't think about it, and are you sure about it? Like really? As far as I know, it's the most painful thing they went through, and it's not even a guarantee that you'll succeed, there's a high chance you might end up dead," 

The bell rang and notified the students that the school was over for the day. Ashley got up. "Just don't think about it too much until you are very sure about it. The thing you are afraid of, it's not until for ten or fifteen years. Just try to enjoy 'now'. I'll see you tonight at the house,"

"Auntie, this looks amazing but I'm not sure it's really Bella," Ashley said as she looked over to the room where Alice had been preparing the decorations. 

"Well, I'm sure she'll like it," Esme said with a smile on her face. 

"Grandma, that's an amazing dress!" Ashley said after seeing her grandma. Esme smiled and hugged her as a thank you.

"Now that everything's ready, and they should be on their way, Ashley! Go get ready!" Alice exclaimed and started to drag her niece to her bedroom. 

Ashley chuckled. "Alright, I'll be ready before they get here," 

To be honest, she wasn't done by the time they came because even though Bella's truck was old and rusty it was still Edward who was driving and he did not drive slow. 

Ashley was almost done with her make-up when her door was knocked. "Auntie, I swear I'm ready!" Ashley said as she put on her lipstick. 

She heard a chuckle and then her door opened. It was Edward. "I have a gift for you," 

Loving You / Paul Lahote -  [EDITED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin