31 - [EDITED]

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In the following couple of days, something bad happened. Carlisle did a check-up on Bella. It wasn't good. He said that the baby wasn't compatible with her body. That it was hurting her body and she wasn't going to make it until birth. 

Edward didn't take that lightly and they had a fight. After that Ashley and Rosalie helped Bella to take a shower. She was even thinner now, her bones could be seen. And her skin looked sick. She was dying a little bit every day. Even breathing was hard for her. 

The whole family was around her all the time, monitoring her. Plus Jacob. Sometimes he went out of the house to be with Leah and Seth. Sometimes Ashley joined her. But she was mainly by Bella's side to assist her. 

She had told her that she wasn't happy with her decision and that she didn't want to lose her friend even if she agreed to support whatever choice she made. And just because she was going to be by her side didn't mean she was happy with the choice. But Bella needed friends right now and Ashley was going to do just that. 

The Cullens weren't feeding and Ashley could see how hard it was becoming for them. Their eyes darkened every day. She meant what she said, that her family wouldn't hurt her but it still hurt her to see them in pain. 

They were staying away from her just to be sure. Ashley didn't mind it but she hoped to find a solution for it soon. She didn't know how long they could hold on like this. 

She didn't go back to school. Her family insisted on it, for her to be safe, but Ashley refused. It was the first week anyway and if things got bad between the pack, she hoped to be the solution. She couldn't leave her family out to dry when things were like this. 

Now, they were all in the living room. Emmett, Alice, and Jasper watching a football match, Bella lying on the sofa with Jacob by her side to keep her warm. Esme and Rosalie were on the couch next to them. Edward was on the other chair. Carlisle was standing up, his eyes on Bella. 

Jacob and Bella were talking about something when Bella got up as if she was going to throw up. Edward immediately brought the bin closer to her. 

"We need to find a way to get some food into her system," Esme said. Bella had the reflex to throw up but since she wasn't eating anything nothing was coming out. 

Bella laid back on the couch. "If only I could see the fetus," Alice sighed. 

"Baby," Rosalie corrected her. 

"Maybe I could figure out what he wants," Alice continued.

Edward looked at Jacob who briefly had a smug face. "I think you might be right," he said then turned toward Carlise. "Jacob just had an idea," 

"It wasn't an idea. It was a snide comment," Jacob smirked. 

"What were you thinking?" Carlisle asked all serious. 

"That it's probably just looking for someone to sink its teeth into," Jacob said. 

As soon as he said that the expressions of the others changed. They looked like they were in horrible pain. Especially Jasper and Emmett. Ashley felt so bad. 

Bella looked up. "He's thirsty," she announced. 

"I know the feeling," Emmett murmured. 

Edward moved in his chair. "If its craving its not going to want animal blood," 

Carlisle let down his arms. "I have some 0 negative I laid aside for Bella," he said and got moving. 

Jasper turned to him with a shocked and pained expression. "Walk with me," Alice said and grabbed his hand. They walked out of the room together. Emmett soon followed. 

Loving You / Paul Lahote -  [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now