34 - [EDITED]

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Ashley glanced at Brad. He looked focused on his paper. They were having their quiz now. There would be four throughout the semester and those four would count as the second midterm. So they were important. 

She slowly got up and handed her paper in. She quickly motioned to Brad that she was waiting outside and walked out of the classroom. Her phone lighted up. It was Leah. She was saying that she was almost there. 

Ashley replied saying that she was waiting for Brad. Another text came. 'Btw, I need to tell u smt else'

Ashley sighed. 'Tell it to me when you arrive. Don't text&drive.' 

After a couple of minutes, the teacher opened the door and students walked out. Brad walked toward Ashley. "I'm buying whatever you're drinking. There was no chance I could've done the questions without you," 

Ashley chuckled. "Deal," she smiled at him. " Also, is it okay if my friend joins us? I think you guys met before,"

Brad shrugged. "Sure. The more the merrier. We did?" 

"Yeah, she was with me when you came to my room for the notes. Short, black hair? Remember?"

"Oh, oh yeah. The one who didn't talk,"

Ashley let out an uncomfortable chuckle. "Yeah... she was having a bad day. She's great," 

They walked toward the place where they planned beforehand and started discussing the questions. 

When they reached the place, Leah was already there, waiting outside. "Hey, you are fast!" Ashley said and hugged her. 

She smiled. "Yeah. That's what I was--" Ashley interrupted her. 

"Leah, this is Brad. Brad, it's Leah," she introduced. 

Brad smiled. "Hi, nice to meet you," he said. 

Leah beamed up. "It is, how's it going?" 

"Great. Thanks to our mutual friend I'm not going to fail this class, again," he chuckled. 

Leah and Ashley joined him. "Shall we?" he asked and pointed the place. 

"Yeah," Ashley said and they walked inside. 

Leah grabbed Ashley's arm. "Wait, wait," she murmured. 

Ashley turned to her. "That was great! I've never seen you this cheerful!" she said.

 Leah smiled. "Yeah, yeah. But I've got to tell you something," 

 Okay, tell it when we sit down, cmon, he's waiting," Ashley said and motioned to move. 

Leah stopped her. "Just... Jesus Christ. Ashley, stop interrupting. It's important," she sighed. Ashley stopped and look at her friend. 

"What is it?" she asked. 

"I didn't come here alone," Leah said. 

Ashley furrowed her brows. "Okay? Who did you come with?"

"She came with me," someone said from behind them. 

Ashley turned around. Her eyes landed on Paul. He was wearing jeans, a shirt, and a black jacket. 

Ashley turned to Leah. "I was trying to tell you," she murmured. "He wants to talk to you," 

At that moment, Brad stepped outside. "Girls, is there a problem?" he asked, his eyes landing on  Paul. 

Ashley turned to him. "Uhm, no, no. Leah, why don't you guys head inside?" 

Brad looked at Ashley. He was glancing between her and Paul. "Are you sure?" he asked. 

Ashley nodded. "Yeah, yeah. I'll be there soon," she said. 

Loving You / Paul Lahote -  [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now