the new school play

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3rd POV
   " I have to tell Virgil, " Roman says with determination. He takes the poster and signs him and Virgil up and start walking to class. They don't have assigned seats in social studies class so he sits with his friend Sonja. Roman and Sonja talk about the normal things, new dramas coming out until Roman says something " hey what would you think if I like Virgil " as soon as he says this, his friend takes him into a hug" go for it, that's so great! " Sonja says. Roman already knew she would be ok with it, she's in a polyamorous relationship and is bisexual. Sonja starts to tease Roman about vital and calls them cute couples names. When the class is over Roman is red as hell and Sonja feels proud.

Virgil POV
  I can't stop thinking about Roman,  what if he finds out. I still can't tell him about being little. I walk to class like always. Its second period meaning science class,  at least I'll be with Ethan and James. When I get their they are already sitting together,  they are so awkward but it's adorable. James is a tall guy with brown hair and hazel eyes. When Ethan is a short guy with short blonde hair with some purple, its actually really cool. I walk over to them and sit with them. " so are you guys going to get together? ". That question sends them both blushing, they met through their girlfriend Sonja. We start talking and then I bring it up " am... I'm gay and I think I like these three guys" they both giggle and tell me it's ok.  " are you going to tell him yours into ddlb? "Asks Ethan,  this sends virgil right into little space " meanie, not yet "

Third POV

they both talk about if cute he is and then goes back to the working which they don't finish. They all walk out of the classroom when they are dismissed and goes to lunch where they met up with Roman and Sonja.

  Roman POV
This is my chance, I need to ask him to join the play. I walk up to Virgil that's with James and Ethan " hey Virgil there's a school play wanna join ?" I really hope he joins. Virgil looks puzzled. " I don't know, with my anxiety you know ...." I can't just give up " you can be inset crew or design, I know you like designing " that puts a smile on virgil's face " sure! I would love too, just no stage time for me " this surprises everyone at how happy he is. " I mean sure " Virgil looks so cute when hes embarrassed. Wait did I just say that, you know what I do like him. " well i already signed you up so that's good " Virgil looks happy that I did that. Does he like me?

End of part two

Writer: now of the art is mine
How do you like it? The boys with met soon don't worry this is a polysander not like Roman and virgil
Well until then time guys, gals and non-binarypals peace out!

wait! am I gay? , polysandersWhere stories live. Discover now