what I have to do

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Romans Pov

  After our fun, we all got up and dressed to have breakfast. All of us were still a blushing mess after that but we had to find out what's next... When we walked downstairs, Virgil's phone started to buzz. " it's my mom, gotta go take this, be right back."

  The rest of us walk to the dining table and my dad comes out with breakfast. "I thought you guys would need it after what happened yesterday" As he puts our food down in front of us and where Virgil will be seating. We all say thank you as Virgil comes back with a half depressed, half happy face. Patton gets up and holds Virgil in a tight embrace. " what happened ?" Patton asks worriedly. Virgil then explains how his mom wants him home but that his sister ran away for now because he couldn't live with a 'fag' brother. I get up with Logan and hold him tight as he starts to cry " shh it will be ok, we're here " we all sit down after that with Patton still holding his hand, everyone is quite until my dad speaks up. " well you all are always welcome here and I will help as much as I can, now what are the other two going to do." Logan and Patton look at each other and start to think. " I I, well to start I'm Patton and I think I'm going to call the police and ask them what's going on, I hope he didn't hurt someone else... " Patton starts to shake and I take his hand to tell him it will be ok. " I'm sorry sir, I'm, in your house and never introduced myself. I'm Logan and I can't go home I already said goodbye, I'll do something but I don't know yet" Logan looks at Patton concerned and my dad says back " well I'm Mr. Sanders but just Thomas to you guys and your all welcome to stay here and I'll help you, Patton " Logan then speaks up again " could I " and my dad nods. " You too Patton" Patton lights up into a smile and thanks to him.

3rd person

Patton looks down knowing what he will have to do but what he finds out surprises him more. To be continued

until next time Guys, Gals, and non-binarypals peace out!

wait! am I gay? , polysandersWhere stories live. Discover now