Chapter 1

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Alex's POV

I sat on my couch practically all night, that is until I fell asleep with my coke in my hand. So I woke up to Coke spilling all over my favorite pajama pants. "Ahh!" I screamed in shock. "Alex! Are you okay?" my step sister Charlotte asks, barging in my room. "Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just fell asleep with Coke in my hand so I woke up just now to Coke spilling on my favorite pj pants." I wasn't annoyed, cause this happens often. People say I have a sweet tooth, cause I drink so much Coke. But I only drink Coke, once a day I guess.

Okay so a little about me, maybe? Okay, so my name is Alex Louisa Matthew, I live with my step sister and my uncle because my dad is a super villain and killed my mom when I was seven. He remarried to Charlottes mom, but they both ran away, and I never knew why. Luckily, my uncle, maybe Charlottes step uncle, I dont know, told us we could stay with him because we have no where to go. But we've been living here for about five years now, and now I am 14. My friends are Charlotte, of corse, Jasper, and Henry Hart. Henry is always leaving unexpectedly, its getting really frustrating. But I have a secret of my own, that only Charlotte, Uncle Ray, my bff Melody, and my choir teacher know: I deal with an anxiety disorder and have panic attacks when I'm nervous or scared. Or if I'm startled, so no one ever surprises me. Only with gifts, not like suprise parties or stuff like that. The only time I've ever fainted because of a panic attack, is when I was first diagnosed when I was ten. And then, I had the craziest and awesomest dream ever: Rainbow Dash was bouncing around on my Dr, Dr. Monarch's bald head when Apple Jack came in dropping apples everywhere, and Pinkie Pie came in spreading balloons everywhere, and Fluttershy, man, she came in all biker like, dressed up in black leather head to toe, on a motorcycle. It was hilarious. Rarity nor Twilight Sparkle came in during the dream which was weird.

Back to reality now.

I heard a knock on my door just as Charlotte left and I finished changing into different clothes, or clothes for the day. I wore a purple and black striped long sleeve under shirt with my denim jumpsuit with street sign patches who's sleeves cut off before reaching the edge of my shoulders, with my black boots that lace up all the way to the top, light make up that looked natural, and my blonde hair let loose hanging over my shoulders. (outfit from Girl Meets World). "Who is it?" I ask, about to open the door. "Hen-" I cut Henry off by opening the door. "Hi Henry. Ready to go?" I ask, smiling at him. "Uh, yeah. Lets go eat some candy!" Henry yells, and we literally run down the stairs. "Wait! I have to tell my uncle that I'm leaving. Hold on just a sec." I say, and run to the counter and take out a sticky note and a purple pen and write a note to uncle Ray.


I'm going with Henry to the candy shop. I won't eat too much. Be back asap. Love you. -Alex

"Ready Alex?" Henry asks, opening the door. "Yep!" I say, and we head out the door to the candy shop.

We walk for fifteen minutes talking. "So where do you always run off to when your bracket beeps.......three...times..." I say, spreading our the last three words slowly, realizing where he always goes to. "Uh, work. There's always some kind of accident, the guy at the front desk is clumsy." Henry says, fiddling with his watch/bracelet. Henry is a good liar. I dont say any thing of what I want to say to him out loud, but I do say "Oh, your work must be pretty important."

"You have know idea." Henry says back, rolling his eyes. "I think I do." I mumble, just loud enough so Henry can barely hear me. "How?" Henry asks, I do t say anything for a minute, thinking of what to say next. "Uh, my uncle, he works hard. He's kind of like a 'superhero'," I put air quotes around superhero, "but its not like he's Captain Man or anything. Now that would be one awesome uncle." I too, am a pretty good liar. I just don't know when I'm gonna confess that I know who Henry really is.

Henry's POV

Alex and I walk into the candy shop, and we both take out our money. It looked like she had about $20, when I had about $15. Oh well. I guess she had gotten a job maybe. "Si, where do you want to start? Chocolate or pure sugar?" Alex asks, saying pure sugar in a playfully evil way, widening her eyes as a smile grows on her face. I love that adorable smile. WAIT WHAT?! No, Alex and I are just friends, nothing more. Ugh I can't be starting to like her! "Uh, pure sugar. Just not too much for you." I playfully say back, playfully pointing a finger at her. Playfully. Playfully this, playfully that. What is up with all thus playfulness?

We walk over to the sugary area, which includes lollipops, peppermints, candy canes, tafgy, laffy taffy, sweet tarts, sprees, dum dum pops, bottle caps, and all that good stuff. I go straight to the Laffy Taffy, which was my favorite, as Alex goes to her favorite, Dum Dum Pops. The DDP are only $0.05 each, so Alex grabs two handfuls, and stuffs then into the bag she grabbed to store her candy. LT are only $0.05 each as well, and I grab about the same amount that Alex grabbed, and stuffed them into my bag. Then Alex and I go over to the chocolate section, which includes, Hershey, Twix, three musketeers, kit Kat, York, mnms, reeses, and all that good stuff. We both grab a handful of York, kit Kat, and snickers. We go to the clerk, who is always there, Mrs. Litwack. "Good morning Henry and Alex, got enough candy there?" she asks, calculating how much we owed. "You can never have enough candy, Mrs. Litwack." Alex replies as usual. Mrs. Litwack gives a slight chuckle. "Okay, well, you both owe ten ninety-five." she reads off her screen. "Okay, here you are, Mrs. Litwack." we say in unison, and laugh. We hand her the money and but her goodbye, leaving for Alex's house.

Its weird how I've never met her uncle, with the many times I've been to her house. He's never around when I'm around. I'm starting to think that she doesn't want us to meet. Well, if that's the case, she has better have a good reason. But I can trust Alex, even though I may like her I dont really know yet.

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