Chapter 14

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Henry's POV

As I was walking home, I saw a kitten stuck in a tree, and I couldn't just leave it there, I had to help it get down, of corse! I am Captain Man's secret sidekick, Kid Danger, after all. So, I climes the tree, and brought it down, but then it exploded in my arms, which was crazy. But then I realized that it was a trap. Some random guy dressed in all black and a ski mask scoops me up in a beige colored bag. I scream in shock. I feel motion, I just don't know where I am.

I am thrown to the ground, which smells like gym socks and grape juice, a familiar sent. The sent of my room. Why are we in my room?

I remember I have my pocket knife with me, so I take it out, and cut a hole in the bag so I can see. And we are in my room. I use the knife to cut the rope and open the bag, and step out. The man in black is writing something.

"Hey!" I shout, and the man turns his head slowly around to face me. He jumps a little when he sees me. "What on earth are you doing?! Who are you?!" He laughs evily. Creepy guy...

"I need you, Kid Danger, to get Captain Man." I stare at him blankly, then burst out laughing a fake yet believable laugh. " think I'm..Kid Danger?!" I ask between laughs. "I know you are! Now stop acting stupid!" he yells. "Chill, dude. I think you have a misunderstanding or something... I've heard of Kid Danger, but I don't really know who he is. I know he's heroic like

...what was it? Oh, right, Captain Man, but dude, chill out, I just moved here last week from Chicago."

I am a pretty good actor, if you ask me. I pulled that off, not breaking character once. He wasn't buying it though. Darn it.

The man rolls his eyes and finishes whatever he's writing and puts it on my bed. Then he zaps me with a blue laser. The dude needs to chill. Then its black.


I wake up on a wooden chair, my hands and wrists tied together. I look over to see Ray in the same position. He was awake, too. We look around, wondering where we are, but it seems like Ray knows instantly. Then I recognize the place. This is where we rescued Alex! Its her old home.

"Ray?? What are we doing here?" I ask in a whisper, just in case. "I dont know Henry, but just stay calm." he whispers back.

"Yes indeed, stay calm!" a voice booms from the shadows. Its the man in black! He kidnapped us! Why?

"Why are we here?" I ask, struggling to get free. "You're bait. For your little girlfriend, Kid Danger!" he shouts. "Woah, dude, chill. I told you, I moved here last week from Chicago! I dont have a girlfriend! You have a misunderstanding!" I explain, going with my lie from earlier.

"I'll fix this misunderstanding for you." a female voice shouts from the doorway. We all look over to see Alex in a superhero suit that is green, yellow and orange.

Alex's POV

"Mel, I'll explain later, but we have to go somewhere. Henry has been kidnapped! So has uncle Ray!"

"But-" I yank Mel's arm, cutting her off before she could finish. I drag her to Junk n Stuff. Gouche gives me a weird look. "Long story short, Henry and uncle Ray have been kidnapped. This is Mel. She is going to help me." I explain to Gouche, using Mel's hand I had in mine to make her wave. We go to the elevator, and I press the down button. We go zooming down. Mel screams, but I'm used to it by now.

We hit the floor, and we enter. Mel looks around in awe at the Man Cave. I roll my eyes. We are in a hurry, focus Alex, focus!

I grab two suits, one green, yellow and orange, the other pink, blue and red, that look similar to Henry's. "Put this on." I demand and I do, so does Mel. We look awesome.

"Where are we?" Mel asks. "Mel, I'm sure you have so many questions right now, but its not the time. We have to save Henry and uncle Ray." I say dragging her to the tubes. "Hug me." I say. She looks at me weirdly. "Trust me." I say. She does, and I push the button on my belt buckle, and the clear tube comes down over us. "Up the tube!" I shout, and we shoot up.

We get to my old home, and my eyes get glassy. I suck it up. Not the time for emotional moments. We walk inside, and stop outside of a door I knew they were in. I explain the plan to Mel.

"Got it?" I ask.

"Yeah." she nods. She still doesn't know what this is all about, bur she's apparently just going with it. I hear Henry and Black Warrior talking about a misunderstanding. So, I bust the door down and say, "I'll fix this misunderstanding for you." and add a smirk.

Henry's face lights up at my presence but uncle Ray's only shows worry. I know I shouldn't be here, but I had to save them. With Mel.

"Goons!" Black Warrior yells, and two buff guys come behind me, and pick my up by the arms. On no, they didnt! You dont mess with this! I kick one in the stomach, and the other where the sun don't shine, smirking. They drip me, clutching where I had kicked them. They get back up, but so do I. I elbow the first, and punch his lip. I kick his hip, and trip him, so he's flat on his face. The second come up to me, and I punch his gut. He comes back and I kick his cheek, leaving a huge red mark. I punch his hip, and trip him, so he's on top of his friend. I smirk and look at the Black Warrior, who had a shocked expression.

"'re a girl! Girls can't do that!" he exclaims. I roll my eyes. "Well, Black Warrior," I put quotations around his name, "you just saw me, didnt you? Society needs to stop stereotyping girls. They're tough, too! Jeez, men." I give a small and soft laugh. I look at Henry, and he is smirking along with me.

"You will never save them!"

"Yes I will, I can!y name is Alexander Matthew!" I shout back. Then I hear that soft and angel-like voice I've missed for years.

"Xander?" she says.

I freeze in shock. Tears filled my eyes. I knew that voice anywhere. I grew up with that voice. And no one else ever called me Xander.

"Mom?" I ask, my voice cracking.

"Xander! I'm in the back! Help!" she shouts. Black Warrior looks from the back to me, back and forth for a minute in shock. He...he has my mom...but who is he?

"Mom!" I shout, and sprint as fast as I could to the back. I was there in less than a second. Literally. Less. Than. A. Second. Everyone looks at me in shock. "Okay we will work that out later, but first, I need to save my mom!" I didnt know what the heck was going on, but I will soon, and Mel will help too. But I don't need her yet.


Heyo, sorry it took so long, I made it extra long, so I hope you liked! Five votes for the next chapter? Thank you for 2.1k reads! Bye!


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