Chapter 3

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Alex's POV

I sit in the chair, wrists and ankles tied together so I couldn't move. Yeah my dad is retarded. He didn't even recognize his own daughter.

It was silent for awhile, dad or as mainly everyone but me calls him The Toddler, paced back and forth for who knows why. I looked over to Captain Man, but he wasn't there, so I need up looking at Hen- I mean, Kid Danger. He shrugs and points to his left, and I look over where his finger points. Captain Man is in a different window, and waves. I smile back. He probably has a different plan, I thought.

My dad's booming voice made me jerk my head to face him. "If you really are my daughter, prove it!" he yells. "What?! How?" I yell back, not because I'm frustrated or mad, but because he's so far away. "If you were really my daughter, you would know how!" he screams. I roll my eyes, once again. I did know how. "Well, I DO know that this 'warehouse' isn't a warehouse. Its my old home that we lived in before......" my voice trailed off, and I knew he knew what I was going to say. He just wanted to get it out of me. I look over at Captain Man, who gave a sympathetic smile. I turn my attention back to dad. "Before...what?" he asks, even though he know EXACTLY what happened. "Before..." I stop and take a deep breath.

"Before YOU killed mom! Before we were in the backyard! Mom gardening, me on the swings, I was only seven but I remember that day like the back of my hand! Mom never did anything bad to you, then you come out with a gun! I hid behind the tree, and I heard a loud noise! She laud on the ground as you ran! Why?! I hate that I didn't do anything to save her! Then you find another woman and disappear after marrying her, leaving my totally awesome uncle to take care of us way better than you ever could've! There! I am your daughter are you happy?!" I yell it all, and I realize I'm really close to sobbing. Tears streamed out of my eyes, and I tried to calm myself down, but my anxiety is close to taking over.

No no no! Not here! Not in front of Henry!

I attempt to calm myself down, and succeed, and sigh in relief.

Then I realize, I am my dads daughter! I have his razor sharp nails! Its one of the things I didnt want to inherit from him, but did, and ended up being helpful today. I use them to cut through the rope. Yeah my dad tied this, and its his rope. Its weak and poorly tied. I wouldn't be surprised if I could just slip my shoes off and slip out of the knot. I try it, and sure enough, it works, so I slip my shoes back on and stand up casually.

I look over to Captain Man and he looks at me confused. I hold up my hand and mainly my nails, and his face strikes of realization. I nod in agreement. Dad freezes when he sees that I'm free. "Ugh, you are my daughter, you got my nails." he says annoyed. "Guards!" he shouts, and five men circle around me, and I bet I could knock them out with one punch. I roll my eyes. Yes, again. I told you, my dad is a retard.

I purse my lips as I take a good look at these "guards". They dont seem very good. They dont have muscles or even facial hair. Seriously, it looks like my dad picked these guys up from daycare. And I decide to say that exact thing aloud.

"Dad, it looks like you picked these five up from daycare. Seriously. I shouldn't, but I do expect more from you. Jeez." the guys growl, and I laugh. Their growls are like babies laughing. "Anyways, why do you want me here dad?" I ask, in a sassy tone, outing one hand on my hip. "I want you to join me, on the evil side. I know you probably won't, that's why-" I interior dad with the start of my pretty awesome plan.

"Sure I'll join you." I say, pretending to check out my nails.

"What? Huh? Are you sure you're telling okay?" dad asks, walking up to me and feeling my forehead.

Once again, I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, dad I'm fine. Jeez." I wink at Captain Man and Lid Danger when I'm sure no one is looking. Then I hug my dad. He is shocked at first I can tell. But then he reluctantly hugs me back. Then I put my plan into action. I nod at Captain Man and Hen- ugh I mean Kid Danger, signaling them to come in now. I hear a loud crash and realize that they both had crashed through the windows. I rolled my eyes at them this time.

"Uh, you do realize there's a door right over there." I say, pulling away from my dad and pointing over to the door. "Yes, we do! We just needed to make an awesome entrance!" Kid Danger- yes! I said it this time- yells confidently and I quietly laugh. Then Kid Danger starts kicking and fighting the guards and knocks them all out. Now, its my turn. I elbow my dad and he kneels over in pain, and I use my instincts and kick him where the sun dont shine. I smirked and a guard picked me up by my waist. I screamed and kicked his stomach the best I could so he dropped me and I fell on the stone ground, my back taking all the pain. I yelped in pain as Kid Danger helped me up and I saw Captain Man fighting my dad and he finally cuffed him, and we all went outside,y dad and his guards cuffed, they all went to the cops.

I walk over to Captain Man and Kid Danger who have just finished talking with reporters. "Hey, thanks for saving me." I say hugging both of them. "Just doing out job, citizen of Swellview." Captain Man is such a great liar. If he weren't my uncle, I'd totally think he's just a superhero doing his job. Which basically he is, but he is also my uncle.

I whisper in Captain Man's ear, "Can i tell Henry I know its him?" he doesn't seemed surprised at all. He nods. "Yes. I've been waiting for you to ask me." he smiles. "Thanks again, Captain Man and Kid Danger." i say. "Kid Danger, why don't you walk this lovely girl home." uncle Ray says gesturing to me, smiling. Henry's cheeks go red. Then he nods. "Of course." Great, now all I have to do is tell him, i thought. But how?

Henry and I walked down the curb, him still in his super suit. "So what did you whisper to Captain Man back there?" Henry asks, gesturing behind him even though nothing is there. "I asked if i could tell you, finally." he looked at me confused. "You know, that Captain Man is my uncle Ray..." I was gonna tell him I knew who he was, but i decided against it just for now. Henry freezes for a moment when we stop by my house. "Here, lets take the window to my room." I say and lead him to a ladder I use almost everyday. he follows behind me, and once we are in my room, we plop down on my fluffy bed.

"So, you know him?" Henry asks. "I live with him. And my step sister Charlotte." he looks shocked. Did he not know that Char and i are step sisters? "Oh, cool." and that is all Henry says before i look straight into his eyes. "Henry, admit it. i know its you." i say. That actually went better than expected. "Who's Henry?" he tries to play it cool, but totally fails. "Henry, if you admit its you, i will tell you a secret of mine that may be as big as yours." I pursade. Sure enough, it works. "Fine. I'm Henry." he admits, as i pull his mask off. "Yes! Ha! I knew it!" I shout a little too excited, then i remember the secret i have to tell him. 

My anxiety.

I take a deep breath and try to stay calm and try not to have a panic attack. I take one final deep breath as Henry's eyes burn holes through my skin. "So you know when its a test day, and i leave to go to the bathroom?" i ask as he nods along. "Well, then, i am having a panic attack. See, i suffer from a anxiety disorder, and have panic attacks quite often, i just dont let anyone see. Like, thats why i stopped when my dad was chasing after me. i couldnt catch my breath, i was hot, my heart was pounding, i just had to stop because it felt like i was about to die." i explain as tears roll down my face. Henry hugs me tightly, assuring me thats its okay to cry. "Im so sorry, Alex. I promise, I will help you through them." he hugs me even tighter, and then, i realize that i may like Henry, or Kid Danger.

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