Chapter 5

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Ugh this is dedicated to my sister who begged me to update


Alex's POV

Melody basically shrieked at my reply. "Uh, what's going on?" Henry asks. I quickly think of a reply. "Mel is fangirling. Like usual." I laugh at her childish behavior. "Wow, what's she see this time?" I roll my eyes. Henry knows how Mel fangirls. She gets all crazy then screams her head off. "Louis Tomlinson shirtless. Rare thing, you know." Henry chuckles. "So what was it this time?" Henry raises his eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Like, why'd uncle Ray need you today? I mean, you do have dirt smeared all across your face. And your hair is all messed up." I playfully played with his hair, running my fingers through it like I'd give Charlotte a noogie. "Hey!" he says, backing up a bit so I can't reach his head. "We had to pull a girl out of a well, and a dirty one too." Mel was playing no attention to our conversation. She was probably too busy making ship names for Henry and I.

I laugh and give Henry a wet wipe from my pocket. I got it at the candy store the other day. "Thanks." he says and cleans up. "MEL WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING WANNA HANG OUT WITH HENRY AND I OR ARE YOU GOOD IN YOUR FANGIRLING UNIVERSE?!" I shout over to Mel, who was sitting on the see saw playing with a flower. She jerks her head up and skips over to us. She's way too happy.

Then I see a guy who was masked pop up from behind Mel with a bat. My eyes widen and my anxiety may take over soon, but I don't care, I just need to save my best friend. "MEL DUCK!" I shout, and she does so, rolling over to Henry, as I take a stick and whack the masked guy. "NO ONE TRIES TO BEAT MY BEST FRIEND AND I MEAN NO ONE AT ALL EVER." I shout, as ye falls to the floor, and I beat him with the stick. He tries to fight back, but then I stop, recognizing the eyes. Those crystal blue eyes. It wasn't a boy.

"Clare?" the name slips from my mouth as she stands up and I walk back, until I trip over my own feet and luckily Henry catches me under my arms. Mel giggles and I roll my eyes, and stand back up. My anxiety didnt take over, and I am thankful. Then Mel realizes what name I just said. "Clare?!" she shouts. "Shh." Clare shushes us. "What are you doing here? Where have you been all these years?" I whisper yell. Then she realizes its me.

"Oh, Alex, I'm so sorry!" she wraps her arms around me, and I wrap mine around her. "Wait wait wait. Who's Clare? I know its that woman standing in front of me, but who is- oh nevermind." Henry realizes who it is too. "But, where have you been?" I ask. "Hiding with your father. He forced me to do this, and he's watching. So act like I'm destroying you, and I'll take the branches to him instead, and stop by tomorrow to suprise Charlotte." she says, and she talks to me making direct eye contact. I nod as our plan works out perfectly, Clare runs north and Henry goes to beat up my dad. I smirk as I pretend to lay unconscious on the grass.

Go get em, tiger.


"Wow, that was crazy!" I say after we walk back to my house after we dropped Mel off at hers. "Yeah! Clare just pops put of nowhere!" I nod and laugh as I unlock the door and open it revealing uncle Ray eating ice cream on the purple couch in our living room. "Hey how was your walk?" he asks. "Pretty interesting really." Henry says somewhat slowly. "Really? What happened?" Uncle Ray asks, standing up and throwing the carton of ice cream away. "Well, I was talking to Henry when all of the sudden, a random masked man pops out of nowhere behind Mel with a bat and I warn her then beat the man with a stick and the man turns out to be a woman and the woman turns out to be Clare so we diverse a plan to trick my dad into thinking she got us while Henry goes and beats my dads butt. Clare is stopping by tomorrow. Okay love you goodnight." I say as Henry and I leave Uncle Ray speechless downstairs.

We are laughing the whole way up the stairs. "Wow, we just totally left him hanging back there." Henry says between laughs. We climb up the steps up to my bed (yes, its like a loft bed, but no hole underneath. Sorta like Henry's). He sits, and I hop down, and grab my camo pj pants and my black tank top and change in the bathroom. I go back into my room and plop down on my bed, and realize that Henry is watching me the whole time, and I feel my cheeks go red. "Uh, what?"


"Really?" he nods.

"Alex can I tell you something?" he asks, and scoots closer to me. "Sure....what is it?" I reply, as shivers run down my spine. Then time stops because his lips crash on mine. I stay there in shock for a second, but give in after a second. I like him dont I? He's kissing me, isn't he? Then why not take the chance? I really do like him. Sparks fly even after we pull apart.

"Woah, what was that?" I ask still shocked. Henry stayed calm as if nothing happened.

"Well, Alex. I like you. I really do. And I was wondering if you'd come with me to the dance Friday night." Henry smiles at me sheepishly as red flushes his cheeks. I nod, because I only have one answer and one only.

"Yes." I say and kiss him again.


Heyo si there's the update I'll add chapter 6 when this story gets 22 votes okay that's the deal and thank you foe almost 200 reads it makes me feel awesome. Okay bye go follow @becca0717 this chapie is dedicated to her bye now


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