Chapter 7

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Alex's POV

We walked for awhile, until we reach Mrs. Kluterson's Creamery. Henry holds the door open for me like a gentleman, and I smile in return. Jeez, that boy....he's perfect.

Henry and I wait in line as we decide which flavors we want. I go with my favorite, sherbet. Henry hasn't decided between mint chocolate chip and cookies and cream. "Which one should I get?" he asks himself aloud. "Which one do you like better, Henry?"

"That's the problem," he says, "they're both my favorite."

"Hmm...which one was your favorite first?" Henry does stop to think even for a second. "Mint chocolate chip." I think of another question. "Which one have you had the most?"

"Cookies and cream."

"So, pick the one you've had the least. Which would be mint chocolate chip." I smile, and he smiles widely back. "Thanks, Alex." he intertwines his fingers with mine. I feel my cheeks go hot, and I smile uncontrollably. Ugh, this boy makes me feel like an idiot in love.

Then its our turn to order. We order, and get our cones. Henry and I decide to go for a walk while eating our ice cream, so we head out of the shop, the bell on the door ringing with our exit.

"So, when are we gonna tell Ray?" I ask a bit nervous, but still calmly so I don't have another panic attack. He licks hit ice cream. "Probably when we get back. You could leave to go up to your room if you want. Leave the men to talk." I laugh. "Ray is more kooky than mature. I doubt he's even ridden a real roller coaster." I say, licking my ice cream. "Yeah, he's pretty mature when it comes to work though. And I'm glad he's okay with you knowing, so I'm not gonna get fired or anything."

"I doubt he would do that. I'm his niece. I keep so many secrets its not even funny."

"Oohh like what?"

"Well if I told you I'd be a bad secret keeper." I roll my eyes.

"Good point." Henry says right as his bracelet triple beeps. "Uh, wanna come with me?" he asks, looking into my eyes. "Of corse, dummy." I say playfully. He rolls his eyes and we head down to Junk n Stuff, where my uncle Ray is hiding waiting for his sidekick.


We enter the dangerous elevator after saying hi to Gouche. Henry hits the down button, and I hug him tightly as we fall straight down. His arms around me feels right. Nothing feels wrong about it.

We hit the bottom, actually landing on our feet. "Woah, we stuck the landing. Nice!" I exclaim as I give him a fist bump and we enter the Man Cave. "Hiya, Henry. Oh, hi, Alex. What brings you two here?" uncle Ray says as if he has no idea that he triple beeped Henry. "Uh, you triple beeped me." Henry says, holding up his hologram watch thingy. "Oh, right! Over here!" we follow him to the giant screen. "Wait, why'd you bring Alex?" he asks Henry, as he takes out his special light up gum. Henry already has his out. "Uh, she was with me, I didnt want to leave her alone."

"Wasn't that Melanie girl with you?"

"Melody. No. She has dance." I say, correcting my uncle as I roll my eyes. "Okay, anyways, its the Rainbow Snatcher. She has taken the color out of everything from 19th st. to 23rd st. We need to get her gun and put the color back. Ready?" he explains, and gets up standing by Henry. He nods. They chew their gum and blow a bubble, and change into their superhero outfits with flashing colors and lights circling them throughput the short process. "Fist!" Henry says and they di a fist bump. I roll my eyes at my uncle and my maybe boyfriend's childish behavior. "Lets go!" they walk over to the tubes, and as Captain Man says, "call it!" the clear tubes cover their bodies. "Up the tube!" and with that, Kid Danger and Captain Man are gone to save the citizens of Swellview.


"So, he just kissed you, then asked you to the dance?" Mel asks after I finish explaining everything that just happened. I nod. "Yep. And I said-" Mel interiors me excitedly. "TELL ME YOU SAID YES!" she pleads, even though she knows that I did. "I did, girl, chill! You're having too many cookies." I say and playfully take the oreos out of her hands. "NOOOOO I NEED THOSE!"

"Chill!" I laugh and give her back her oreos. What that girl would do for sugar. Then Henry walks over. "Hey Henry." I smile, looking him up and down. His plaid shirt was ripped at the sleeves, his jeans now had holes near his knees, he had a fresh cut on his cheek, and another on his forehead. Also, dirt smeared across his face, like always.

"Henry, what happened?" I ask, the smile quickly fading, and I stand up to see if he's alright. "Uh, long story short, I accidentally stepped on a squirrel's tail on the way back here. You never want to upset squirrels." he adds a laugh and I roll my eyes and his clumsiness. Another thing that makes Henry Hart irresistible. "Wow, that squirrel really got you good." I say, using a wet wipe from my purse to clean him up. "Yeah, he's vicious." Henry adds sarcastically. And by squirrel, I knew he meant the Rainbow Snatcher. But howd his clothes get like that? Well, I'll find out soon, I guess.


okay there's the update, I'll update soon, just need 33 votes this time, okay? Not hard is it? Two people need to vote, then I'll update. And I love it when people comment. When people comment I usually end up following them for some reason lol. Okay bye


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