Chapter 9

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A/N- sorry I haven't done Henry's POV in a while it will be soon, though so don't worry okay enjoy.

Alex's POV

I stand there smiling like an idiot as Charlotte stands there in shock, her eyes as wide as the far open sea, jaw dropped to the floor. "M-Mom!" Charlotte screams, and wraps her arms around Clare, who she hasn't seen for quite a few years now. "But...where''d..what?"

"Char, sweetie! I was with your step dad, and now my ex husband. That man is horrible, no offense, Alex."

"None taken. He is the worst guy on this planet." I agree. Its true. He would eat a live shark if he could. He would eat me alive if he could get his hands on me. Charlotte sits on the couch with Clare, her mom, who is also my step mom. "So, who wants soup?" uncle Ray chimes in, breaking the silence as we watch Charlotte stay in the comfort and warmth of her mother's arms. I smile. I look over to Henry, who is also smiling. That makes me smile even more.

We sit at the table, eating our chicken noodle soup uncle Ray had made. I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior, but if I were in his place, I'd do the same thing.

We all talked and caught up with each others lives and ate. Once we finished, we said goodbye to Clare, and Charlotte who had been asked to live with Clare, so she had alot to think about. I really didn't. Just the dance. I bet Charlotte would chose to live back with her mom. I would I'd my mom were here right now.

But she's not.

I am.

I say goodbye to Henry and go upstairs to my room, where Mel already is, sitting on my bed in her pink and purple polka dotted nightgown. She smiles as I walk in, and I smile back. I go to my dresser and pull out my turquoise and yellow and purple button up night shirt with matching pants. I change, and sit next to her on my bed.

"That went amazingly well." I announce, and look to Mel, who is starring at her phone. "Mel?"

"He..he asked me to" she stutters. "Who?" Mel seems more sad then excited. But then she proved me wrong. A loud squeal came from the fourteen year olds mouth.


"Woah, Mel. Hold up. First, you have to reply, then get excited." I pause her excitement. "Okay." she picks up her phone and types something, and I wait impatiently for her to tell me her reply. "So?" I asked impatiently. She pauses dramatically.

"I said......" another dramatic pause, "yes!" she practically screams. "Yay! Now we both have dates!" I exclaim and we hug like girls do when they're really excited.

"Wait, the dance is in four days. What are we gonna wear?" she asks now nervous. "Chill, Mel. We have time. I already have a pretty good idea for me."

"Oh! This is a perfect time for me to wear my awesome outfit I was telling you about!"

"Awesome! I've been wanting to see that!"

"Yep." we fell asleep an hour later after talking about the dance.

--------------THURSDAY IN SCHOOL------------------

this week went by so fast, I really hope that the dance tomorrow night wouldn't go by this fast.

Henry and I had gone out on a few more dates, to the candy shop, park and the creamery. We always walked so we could spend more time together. Tonight, we were supposed to watch the CMA's. I was excited. I always watched the CMA's. (Country Music Awards, duh).

"And the square root of 64 is-" our math teacher, Mrs. Knight was interrupted bt the sound of the school bell, signaling its time for lunch. I stand up and find Henry, Charlotte and Mel. "Where's Jasper?" Henry immediatky asks. That is a good question. I haven't seen him all day. I dont think any of us have. "I dont know..." I say. "Didnt you hear? A kid was kidnaped earlier this morning, and it probably was Jasper." Mel says. "Okay did not see that coming." Henry says shocked. "Dont worry. Captain Man and Kid Danger will rescue him." I say and secretly wink at Henry. He smirks. Then his bracelet beeps three times. Yep, there it is.

"Work need you again?" Mel asks. "What do you do, Henry?" Charlotte asks. Henry freezes, but comes up with a quick reply. "Uh, Ni time to talk! Work needs me. Bye!" then he sprints out if school. "Wait! Its the middle of the school day! And he's gone." Mel tries yelling out to Henry, but he probably was already almost at Junk n Stuff.

So, the three of us girls head to lunch, eat and finish our school day, without Henry returning. That probably means uncle Ray wont be home when I get there.

----------------------FRIDAY MORNING--------------------

Today I wake up all happy and perky, and excited fie the dance tonight. School was actually being let out earlier so people can get ready because it starts at 4:30, and school usually ends at 4. Today school will end at 2:45.

it was 2:30 in Mr. Jantez's science class, and everyone was itching to leave to get ready. "Hey, I know you're all excited for the dance, but look at me, not the clock. Time doesn't go by faster by looking at a clock." i had been starring at the clock the entire time. It actually went pretty fast. I'm really excited. I obeyed Mr. Jantez, and looked at him instead. And it actually worked. Five minutes later, it was 2:45, and we could go home!

I raced out of the classroom and waited for Mel to come out. She did, and we raced to my house to get ready.

at my house, we stood in my room, our outfits on the floor in front if us.

"Which one should I wear?" I ask, pointing to the first choice: a black long sleeve shirt with lace at the tip and a high wasted neon yellowish green skirt. Then the other: a black polka dot crop top with a white background that was flowy with a black lace bottom flowy skirt. I dint know!

"I have no idea. Which one do you like better?" Mel asks. "Both." "Then do eny meanie minie Moe." we still did that? "Okay." I say reluctantly, and do it. My finger lands on the black shirt and neon skirt when I say "it."

"There you go!" Mel says, "now help me." I look at her choices: an emoji crop top with a cheetah flowy skirt or a white laced crop top with a red tail skirt and red velvet heels. "Personally, I think the red and white suits you better.". "Thanks!" she exclaims and gets ready in the bathroom, as I get ready in my room. She cones out looking as beautiful as ever. Her hair is down, and wavy, and her blondish highlights are noticeable now. "Woah." I breathed. "You look amazing!" I exclaimed. "I could say the same about you!" she replies. My hair was flipped over like Cher Lloyd's and had small curls. I had on rainbow sparkly earrings and the necklace my mom gave to me that said 'Alex.'

"Thanks. Do you think Henry will like it?" I asked. "Girl, who cares if he does? Ita your opinion that matters." she smiles. Then the doorbell rings.

Henry and Chad were picking us up at the same time. Henry's mom would drive us and pick us up. Mel and I headed downstairs and Henry and Chad were waiting at the bottom of the stairs. "Woah." I heard Henry softly say. Uncle Ray was smiling. I felt my cheeks go warm, and looked at Mel, who's face was already as red as a tomato. "You look beautiful." Henry says to me, taking my hand. "You look beautiful." Chad says to Mel and takes Mel's hand, like Henry did with me. I smile up at him. We say goodbye to uncle Ray, and off to the dance we were.


at the dance, there was chips and punch and hotdogs. It was a weird mix of food for a middle school dance. The song that was playing when we walked in wasn't country, but Mel had listened to it so many times, I knew really well which one it was. "Brokenhearted" by Karmin. Mel has a weird taste of music. Its an interesting mix, if you ask me. "Well, Alex, do you want to dance?" Henry's blue eyes sparkles down at me. I smiled and nodded. We head to the dance floor where most people were. If they weren't on the dance floor, they were either in the bathroom or eating. There was actually one eighth grade couple making out in the corner of the gym.

the disco ball shimmered down on Henry and I as we danced. Not slow dancing, regular dancing. Smiles crept up on both of our faces. Then one of my favorite songs came on.

"Play It Again" by Luke Bryan.

Henry must've say the look in my eyes, because he smiled widely at me and put his hands on my hips. Then out of the blue, my dad bursts through the gym doors.


okay I need six votes for the next chapter! Sorry for the delay, I was working on this, its a bit long. Okay bye


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