Chapter 16 Lå§ţ ©håpţer

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Alex's POV

We all arrived home, as if nothing happened. It was a crazy day, I bet we were all tired. I certainly was.

Henry and uncle Ray changed back into their normal everyday outfits, and Mel hasn't talked since. That means there's something on her mind, and I think its the fact that she's been hanging out with Captain Man and Kid Danger the whole time, and they've been right under her nose!

Mom looked only two years older than when I last saw her five years ago. Her brunette-redish hair was still shining in the sunlight, her sparkling blue eyes as well. Her light freckles still show, but barely, just like they used to. If she had any wrinkles, you wouldn't ever notice. Her smooth skin is almost immune to anything.

Although we still didnt know who Black Warrior was, we did know that I had special powers, and may even have invincibility, like uncle Ray or Captain Man. I do have super speed, ice and fire. That is cool.

We all sit at the table, uncle Ray next to mom, me next to mom, Mel next to me, and Henry across from me.

"So mom," I say as I dig my hand into the bowl of popcorn, "why didn't you call for me, uncle Ray or the police? Or at least Captain Man and Kid Danger!" I look at Henry and uncle Ray as Henry blushes. Mom lets out a soft chuckle. "I would've. If Black Warrior hadn't have taken my phone and trapped me in the basement with only television, notebooks, a couple of pens, bed, food and water. At least I had what I needed."

"Wait, why wouldn't he have just killed you? Not that I wanted you to be killed, but why wouldn't he have?" Mel brings up. That's a good point. Mel always brings up good points. She's like the queen of good points. "Maybe he used her as bait for another plan of his..." I suggest, which leaves everyone silent. "Maybe..." Uncle Ray adds, "just maybe..."

"Maybe what, uncle Ray?" I ask.

"Maybe Black Warrior is your father, and he missed your mom, so he held her captive so no one else could love her..."

"Howd you come up with that?" Henry asks. "Well, he didn't kill her, so he had to have had a good reason not to. That's a good reason." we all nod in agreement.

"Anyone up for a little America's Funniest Home Videos?" Henry asks cheerfully after a moment of awkward silence. "Yeah!" we all practically shout.

We watched AFV until midnight that night.


I stand with Henry and uncle Ray in the Man Cave looking at superhero costumes for me. Yep, I'm a superhero now! Uncle Ray and Henry figured that they could use my help with my powers and all, so he hired me, and now I work for him!

I liked my old costume I wore to save them, but I wanted something different. Henry holds up a red jumpsuit with a blue vest and purple skirt, with the logo right below the shoulder. It had a utility belt and blue boots. I shake my head. "Too tight..." I didnt have to try it on to know that.

He holds up a costume with a pale blue jumpsuit, rainbow swirl tank top, and rainbow tutu that doesn't stick out. It had a matching utility belt and rainbow striped boots, with a mask. The mask was in the shape of a sideways lightning bolts, with the rainbow striped across.

I swear my face lit up like a newly lit Christmas tree.

"Yes!" I exclaim, grabbing it out of Henry's hand, and running to the back to change. I changed, and braided my hair to the side. Yes! Yes! Yes!

I run out and swear Henry's jaw dropped to the floor. "You like it?" I ask twirling around in circles. Uncle Ray closes Henry's mouth with two fingers, rolling his eyes. "It looks amazing!" Henry exclaims. He plays with the tutu and mask and uncle Ray steps in. "It looks awesome, Alex! Who are you?" I knew exactly what he meant.

"I'm Rainbow Flash." I smirk.


The next week, Charlotte had found out about Henry and I's secret identities. She now works there too, but doesn't fight with us. She's like the brains.

We were all sitting in class, while our math teach, Mr. Higgins, was teaching us about the area of a square. "Area equals..." he writes on the board a=l•w, "length time width." then, our brackets start going off. This must be an emergency. Uncle Ray said he tries not to beep us while were at school, but if he does, its an emergency. So this had to be important.

"Henry!" I whisper, "what do we do?"

"Act like we need to go to the nurse!" I nod. I act like my stomach is causing me pain, and raise my hand. "Yes, Ms. Matthew?" Mr. Higgins says. "My stomach hurts...badly...i think I might puke."

"Okay. I'll send you to the nurse. I need two volunteers to go with her." only two hands shoot up.

Henry and Charlotte.

I smile and we go off to save the world.

In the Man Cave, uncle Ray is waiting. The screen is on, and he's listening very closely to Gouche.

"Uncle Ray! What's up?" I ask. He turns around and smiles at our presence. "Hey! Uh, there was a jail break. Nightmare has escaped." he explains.

"Ah, Nightmare. What a loser. He didn't even know his real name! Weirdo." Henry says, remembering when he and Uncle Ray put him in jail. "Ah, the idiot." I rolled my eyes and we got out our gum. We all blow bubbles except Charlotte, and change into our costumes. "Fist!" Kid Danger says, and we do a triple fist bump. Charlotte laughs at us. We go to the tubes, each of us get our own. I had my installed last week!

"Call it Kid Danger and Rainbow Flash!" Captain Man says.

"Up the tube!" we say in unison, and we all go flying up the tube.

"Aw, my boot!" Henry exclaims as his boot falls down. "Say up the boot!" Captain Man yells. "Up the boot!" Kid Danger obeys. "Ow!" he says as it hits him. "Ha!" Captain Man and I say in unison. Henry rolls his eyes, and we (I mean me, with the guys on my back) speed off. Yeah, I have super strength. Awesome, right?


yay! That was the last chapter! Idk if I should make a epilogue, comment if I should! Vote please! Bye!


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