Battle of Kor

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I knew I was going to be late, but I didn't realize how late I was. As I approached the solar system of Kor, the battle had already begun. Jua Kun's forces had disregarded my warnings and entered the system.

Jua Kun had a large fleet. There were three rows with five battleships to each row. Kun's battleships were about the same size as the Tuklu Union's battleships but he had 10 more than the Union. Above and below the three battleships in the middle of each row lay space fleet ships capable of deploying small fighter and bomber spacecraft. Between each battleship and on the outside were cruiser ships. Kun's cruisers were half the size of their battleships and didn't pose much of a threat.

I stopped just above the Tuklu Union capital ship and patched into their comms. "Admiral Faun can you hear you me?"

I could hear it in his voice that Admiral Faun was happy to hear my voice but at the same time he sounded like one of my old Sergeants when I was late to work as an Airman. "Yes, Yes Kyle, I can hear you. It's about damn time that you showed up. We have been holding them off waiting for you. We are not sure which one of their ships is Jua Kun's so we are focusing on the nearest ship".

Each battleship and cruiser were firing on both sides. Small fighters and bombers flying this way and that way. There was a small explosion to my left and then another one below me and to the right. Each side large ships were getting blasted, but their shields were holding up.

I focused on Kun's battleships. Each one was long and tubed shaped like a submarine. Antennas sticking out in the middle, top, and bottom of the ship. Thrusters and cannons were placed all over the place with the front half angled towards the stern of the ship.

For each one that I targeted I scanned the battleships to see if Kun was on any of them. Sure enough, that scum was in the back of the fleet with an identical battleship as those he had charging in the front.

"I got him Admiral. I'll work on the front ships a little as I head to him. He's in back and doesn't look like he has even fired a shot yet".

The Admiral replied, "Eghh, figures".

I started to charge up and make my run on Kun's fleet, but I figured I would give him one last chance to end this. I made a connection to his ship and with a stern of a voice, "Jua Kun, this is Kyle. Surrender now."

As I waited, I sprawled out my arms then brought them in so that my hands clapped together to charge up and mentally prepare. I worked on the path that I would take before getting to his ship. I wanted to take out at least a couple of ships before I got to Kun.

I could hear Kun's annoying voice still giving orders to his fleet. Finally, he addressed me, "Kyle can you hear me Kyle?"

I was parallel with the Admiral's capital ship all charged up and ready to make my run. "Yes, Kun I can hear you".

It dawned on me that I said it a little smug but in truth I was actually kind of wanting to fight this scum bag.

Kun starts out with a laugh then goes into saying, "Oh come now Kyle, did you think I wouldn't be prepared. Try if you will 'snort' I got a surprise for you".

I wish I knew what the surprise was at that moment, but I didn't care. I cut off communications with Kun and started my run. I focused on the left battleship of the first row. After a couple of energy blasts to their forward cannons I moved on to the cruiser ship. Unlike the first ship that I attacked, this one tried to fight me.

The cruisers are more agile but less powerful. I took it as a mockery. It started to maneuver towards me firing its cannons at me. 'If this is Kun's surprise he's a bigger idiot than I thought', I said to myself. The cannons energy blasts didn't even phase me. I kept going and took them out one by one. In spite I gave the ship a couple of extra blasts that started to cause a cascade of explosions in the ship. I kept moving on to the next ship as that one deteriorate into nothing.

The next ship was the middle battleship in the second row. I did the same thing I did with the cruiser.

"Too easy", I laughed as I continued firing.

I wish I could take that statement back for as soon as I said it I found Kun's surprise or, more precisely, it found me. I was in too much of a rush to get to the fight and too damn cocky to even think about being cloaked. Another mistake was not accounting for any real surprises. Not that I would have even thought for a second that this would happen.

I don't know where it came from, but something hit me hard. So hard that I started to lose consciousness. I don't know how but in the vastness of space and with the shield I had I was hit.

As I was losing consciousness, I swear I could hear someone laughing. The laugh was sinister. I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman. I faintly remember person saying something as well. It sounded like he or she was trying to tell me not to even try fighting or to try getting back in the fight. I'm not sure what was said but it didn't matter as everything went dark.

When I woke up...

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