Chapter 8: Good While it Lasted

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It was nice to fly on my own for a change. It had been months since I few around Europe back on Earth. I had spent the rest of the time flying in space among the stars and some time in a space ship. We flew over rows of tall buildings. After a few minutes, I could see an open field up ahead. I could hear birds chirping in the distance. We landed in the field. Not much for talking, Gina pointed to the ground. She sat down and so I went ahead and sat down as well.

Gina broke the silence, "How much training have you received?"

I kept my emotions in check. I didn't want to lie but it didn't want to tell her about the Kings of Verron either. As calmly as I could, I told her, "Just from what I learned on my own. A lot of it was by accident really".

"By accident? How is it by accident that you were able to do so much by getting here?" She asked.

I told her the truth. Well, part of the truth. I did have to learn a little on my own. So I told a white lie. "Taggel just left me".

"He just left you?" She asked interrupting me.

"Yeah. All he said was to find you and watch out for Nitsa", I told her.

In a cold voice, Gina told me, "Nitsa. Yeah, you might want to stay away from her. She has some jewelry that makes her stronger than any protector. Go back to how you learned to use your powers".

I would rather stay on the subject of jewelry instead of talking about my training. Some of it was embarrassing. I thought to myself, "Why is she so persistent on knowing how I learned my powers anyways?"

Trying to stay off the subjected I gently asked her, "Can't we talk about the jewelry?"

I could see she was getting frustrated. We haven't even been here long and I have already managed to anger her. I could tell she was trying to hide it but there was something in her eyes that gave her away. The tone of her voice was almost the same as always but I detected++ a faint hint of anger. She went back to my powers. "We will talk about that later. There is much to do. Tell me what how you learned and what kind of training so I can determine what to teach you".

I gave in and told her about flying around my house and cleaning it up. I told her about my experience of flying around Europe and having to learn to put shields up. I left out the part of the temple and the knights. When she asked about the ship I told her how on Earth there are a lot of Sci-fi movies and television shows that I liked so I used them as examples. I left out the part of flying in space and surfing on the sun. I wanted to see what she had to say. It wasn't like I was lying to her. I just left some parts out.

She was looking at me in an odd way. I think she was trying to figure me out. Trying to determine if what I said was a lie or not. With a lighter tone, she told me, "We will go with a little more advanced training then. It seems you have a good amount of knowledge but not a full grasp of everything. You said you know how to charge up, right?"

Great. Advanced training. How much more is there?

I was kind of hoping for a reply from Jennifer but she knew as much as I did. "Let's start", I told her.

"Close your eyes and think of your surrounding", she started with and continued, "Use your powers to see what is around you. Can you see the grass next to you?"

"This was easy", I thought as I closed my eyes and use my powers to see around me.

I was able to see the grass next to me. "Yes", I told her.

"Good. Good. Now focus your attention on a blade of grass", Gina said calmly.

I did as she asked. I focused hard to find one blade of grass. There was something different though. I could almost feel it.

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