Chapter 4: First Time Out

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I woke up and lazily made my way to the bathroom. What I mean by lazily I mean I flew off my bed and hovered motionless to my bathroom. I didn't bother to touch the floor. I relieved myself and went to work on my plan. I looked at the mirror and thought about the copy of me that I wanted.

Besides me stood an exact copy. Completely motionless with a blank expression on his face. I added the number 2 to his tattoo on his right shoulder to mark him as a copy, just-in-case.

I said out loud with a hint of joy at the occasion, "Activate".

My copy blinked and turned to look at me.

"Hi, Kyle. How are you", he said with a happy smile.

"Fine. How are you", I replied.

"I'm great", the copy replied.

"You know what to do. I'll be back when I can", I told him.

The last thing I heard him say was, "Later".

I was already headed down the stairs when we said our good buys. I didn't want to wait anymore. While the copy was upstairs getting ready for work, I made my way outside. I changed into some dark clothes using my powers. I liked what Taggel was wearing except the see-through shirt. I mimicked his clothes and had a plain cotton black T-shirt on. I even copied his snake skinned boots. I wasn't much for jewelry back then, so I didn't put any on. I grew my hair out so it went down to my shoulders.

I hovered over to the spot in the garage. The only problem was it was daylight. I made myself invisible. I put up an invisible electrical shield then started to add more shields. I had dozens of shields up. Each one was designed for a certain purpose. I even had a few layers with pressurized air to allow me to breathe as I go into space. After 10 minutes of setting everything up and double-checking everything, I checked again just in case I forgot something like I did the other night with my gloves. I had everything. I even made a breakfast sandwich there and ate it.

I flew up to the upper atmosphere. I wanted to check a few things to make sure everything was fine. Then I left the atmosphere of Earth. I had a few things on my checklist that I wanted to see quickly before I left. First was the International Space Station.

I flew over to the I.S.S. and took a peek through a window. I could see some of the astronauts performing their daily duties. I looked over it for a little while longer before taking off. Next on my list was the moon.

I flew to the moon in what seemed like an hour. I looked over where the American astronauts had landed and did their experiments. It was fascinating and yet boring all at the same time.

Now came the tedious task of leaving breadcrumbs to find my way home. I spent hours putting up satellites around Earth. All of them were visible only to me and they all had a beacon that I could locate when I wanted too. When I was done, I felt drained. The last satellite took me a little longer to produce than the others. I knew there were limitations to my power, but I figured I would have more than this. In the temple, I didn't have to worry about it as time stood still and they were constantly having me charge up.

I got into my charging pose and started to charge up. I immediately started to feel better. As I was charging, I thought, "I should have done this before I left".

I got to the point where I felt good and decided to keep charging. I had a long journey in front of me and I wanted to have a good charge just in case. I don't know how long it took me but it seemed like I could stay there forever charging. I stopped charging and thought, "There has to be a better way".

I had stopped around the equator facing the sun. I headed to the North Pole and began my journey; traveling up and to the right as Master Zin advised. As I left Earth and Earth's Sun, darkness enveloped me fast. Soon all I could see was stars surrounding me. I could see some nebulas in the far distance away from me and one that was in my path.

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