Chap. 22: Chris's Decision pt. 2

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(Picture of Chris Eaton in his sweats Above)
*Katie's POV*

As we wait for the popcorn to finish popping, I can't help but notice how close Chris and I are. His arm is draped over the back of my spot on the couch, his body pressed up against mine despite how much space there is on the three cushioned couch. I guess he's cold considering we're both wearing heavier sweats in a 65 degree temperature house when it's 87 degrees outside. Feeling cute and wanting to see his reaction, obviously setting myself up for disappointment, I snuggle into Chris's side. I try my everything just to not look at Chris even though I know darn well he's looking down at me. Probably smiling his pressed lipped smile. Oh, God! The thought of kissing him—Chris's arm snakes around me and his other hand pulls my legs over his lap. I'm basically sitting in his lap—or I can also look at it that he's holding me in his arms. My heart flutters, butterflies in my stomach.
"So," I say too loudly "have you thought of a nickname for me yet? You said Baby didn't work for you."
Chris leans his head back in thought. Feeling flirty, I play with his hoodie strings. He rubs up my back and wraps his big, warm, muscular arms around my shoulders.
"I have dated lots of women—not LOTS of women! Many women..err, um, a few women?" Chris keeps correcting himself.
I kiss his lips to shut him up. It works perfectly. A goofy grin dances on my lips as we kiss. He taste like my stale donuts that I left at the apartment. As I part our kiss, Chris's lips linger and he lightly whimpers for me to come back.
"I think I'd like to call you Baby." I simply smile up at him, "But I think it's too early for that. We still don't even know each other very well."
"Okay..." Chris stares deeply in my eyes "Then what would you like to know?"
"What's your favorite color?" I feel so dumb asking that, "What's your favorite sport? What do you do for fun? What's your favorite song? What's something not a lot of people know about you? I like the simple stuff."
Chris smiles. "Well, my favorite color is blue. I love football and golf—Boston Patriots. Um...there's too many amazing songs to have just ONE favorite. And what's the one thing not a lot of people know about me? Ugh, well, I screw up every relationship I've ever been in."
I nod my head, wanting to know why but I know it's none of my business. But I would like to know. In the back of my mind, I would like to think it's because he hadn't met me yet but who am I fooling? Myself mostly.
"What about you, Katie? Favorite color? Sport? Favorite song? A secret you've been hiding?" He says lightly, smiling at me.
"Well, I like many colors but if I had to choose, it would be yellow. Just like my first car." He smiles down at me, "I don't like sports, I'm athletically declined (basically she isn't fit for sports). I don't have a favorite song but I like many."
"And you're deepest darkest secret?" That I'm too scared to lose my virginity to you?
"I don't cuss." I say instead, "I just don't."
"Not ever?" He says with a small chuckle.
I shake my head. "Nope. No potty mouth on this girl."
Chris brushes the hair out of my face. "Classy."
            The microwave beeps in the kitchen. Chris slides me off of him, making me miss our closeness. Our touching and warmth. Chris walks to the kitchen. My phone beeps in my pocket. When I take it out, I can see it's from Papa. He sent me a text asking me why I haven't returned any of his calls. I quickly text him that I am busy—oh he's calling me now. Groaning, I stand up and walk behind the couch. I slide the green button across the screen.
            Papa doesn't even let me breathe. "What did I tell you Katie Isabella Morgan? What did I tell you!? You answer MY calls. You can ignore your mama but you HAVE to answer when I call!"
            I groan softly. "I know, Papa."
             "Don't growl like an animal at me! You are a human! Use your words." Papa gets on my nerves soooo much. "Now, what is this that you got fired from your job?"
             How did he—TARA! "Dad, I was being abused and besides, I hated working for Hannah anyways."
            "Do you need money? Because I got some cash set aside that your mama doesn't know about."
             My mouth drops but I'm not surprised. I hear footsteps echo behind me, the smell of popcorn fills the room.
              "Papa, I have to go. Okay? I'll be okay. I'll figure it out." I say tiredly, hanging the phone up quickly. "That was my Papa. Tara blabbed to him too."
"Well, I bet he's worried about you." Chris says as I plop down next to him, he wraps an arm around my shoulders. "How about Kitten?"
I give him a death glare. "How about Daddykins?"
Chris smirks at me, nodding his head. "Touché."
"How about—Darling or Cutie?" I blush, revealing my pet names I came up with a long time ago with my fantasy crushes, Loki and Captain America. "What do you like most about me—so far, since you met me?"
Chris thinks for a moment or two, brushing the hair out of my face. "You're smart and you're sweet."
I'm happily surprised he didn't mention Beautiful or Hot. Cute or Gorgeous. But I'll take what I can get.
"Sweetie? Sweetheart?" I offer.
"Sweetness." Chris nods while smirking, "Yeah, Sweetness."

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