Another Author's Note, Sorry

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I keep putting out Author's Notes and I am so sorry!

So I had this LONG dream last night. I dreamed that.....

       I was 16 again and I was angry with my strict parents and I decided to runaway. I had somehow stowawayrd with a famous rodeo/circus. Anyways, I lied and told them I was 20 and I would do anything if they would let me stay. So apparently (because my dreams fast forward yet I have the whole story in my head) I was in the road with them for a year and a half and I had SUPPOSEDLY slept with younger Sebastian Stan a few times whose name was Jackson in my dream. But I really loved mid 30's Chris Evans who I THINK was either Dustin or Elijah or Colton....I couldn't think of a name, only Chris Evans's gorgeous face. I SUPPOSEDLY was fooling around with him, falling madly in love everyday, more than Jackson aka Sebby. I somehow found out I was pregnant and the circus/rodeo had arrived back at my old hometown. I had to hide and try not to not let anyone see my face or discover my identity. But by the end of the big show, we all had a dinner in a barn and sat on hay. I saved a seat for Chris Evans, hoping he would hurry from making sure the livestock was all put up. Well SOMEHOW the head cowboy's wife found out about a missing teenager. She asked me, in front of everyone, about my family for the first time. I told her that I grew up an orphan. She told everyone about a couple whose 16 year old daughter ran away and she even talked to the mother. I was so nervous in my dream, I was actually sweating cause of the poor air conditioning in my apartment. But she told everyone who I actually was and my real age. So, APPARENTLY, I was part stripper for them and a consession stand cashier (sells food/drinks/beer). The dwarf clown who had been one of my best friends told me that he couldn't believe I had lied to them. I then spilled the beans and told them that I ran away because my parents were always putting me last and forcing me to do things that I didn't want to and they wanted to run my life but at the circus/rodeo, I felt at home. Then they told me that I did illegal things considering I was 17 then (cause of the year 1 1/2 jump). When they said hey would call the cops or my parents, I told them they couldn't because I was pregnant with Chris Evans baby. Then I turned and I caught a glimpse of Sebby and Chris Evans standing there in shock. But I woke up when I saw Chris Evans face—then I woke up 😕

What did you think of my dream? Should I write about it? Or should it be left a stupid dream? I'm still going to write IN YOUR ARMS and the college love affair one. I've just been VERY busy lately with College Essays and Speeches for Public Speaking and Math (my worst subject lol). But I had a HORRIBLE to GREAT week. I have no homework his weekend so hopefully I can write now before my class starts next week.

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