Chap. 88: Pets Know

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(Picture of Dodger Evans portraying Copper Eaton)
*Katie's POV*

As I set out a plate of snacks for the family to eat on while they visit, I cannot help but wonder why Lauren told Chris that she had a surprise for Chloe. The way she made it sound, it sounded like she had bought Chloe a pony. I internally prey that Lauren and Steven did not buy my child, a reckless five year old, a crapping pony. Just because Chris has the big money doesn't mean we need to spoil Chloe with a pony. She's lucky if we go by McDonalds on the way to the gym. What? Spoiling your kids is the cause of bad behavior.
I look at the clock to see its 6:45. I groan annoyed. Chloe has to be in bed by 7 o'clock! I'm trying to prepare her for kindergarten. It's what my mother did and that is what I'm doing!
"Chloe!" I call for her, "Bath time!"
As I walk down the hall towards Chloe's room, I can hear scuffling inside. Copper races ahead of me, barking with his tongue sticking out happily. That silly dog pushes the door open with his nose and paw, whining as he slips in. When I get into Chloe's room, she is nowhere in sight. Copper hunches down and whines as he peaks his head under Chloe's bed. She's hiding from me.
"Mmm?" I fake my confusion, "Now where could that Chloe be? Could she be in her bath already, like a good girl?"
Copper whines, spinning in a circle and hunching back down excitedly. He does this two more times. I hear Chloe go "shh!". I nod my head, fighting my smile. I slowly walk towards my child's bedroom door, opening it just as slow. I keep it open because I have a plan that I know will work. It worked on my dad and it worked on me. Hopefully, though, Chloe is fully dressed and not butt naked like I was every time I hid from my dad because I didn't want to take a bath.
"Well, if Chloe isn't in that bathtub when I get there" I can't stop from smiling like an idiot, I'm so evil "then I guess she won't get to see the surprise Grandmama is bringing her."
Suddenly, Chloe emerges out from under her bed fully dressed. Copper barks loudly, jumping all around excitedly. Chloe quickly dashes through the door, thinking she's the Flash or something. She's no Berry Allen, I'll tell you that. I continue stand there, holding Chloe's bedroom door open, giving Chloe a head start. Then Copper and I make our way to the guest bathroom where Chloe is already naked and in the tub with her play toys.
"Hhmm?" I put my hands on my hips, shaking my head. "I guess she's there after all!"
Chloe giggles happily. I don't let Copper into the bathroom, knowing how he loves to jump into the tub with anyone and make an even bigger mess. I would know because over the years, Copper has interrupted multiple intimate moments between Chris and I in the shower or in the tub. And now Chloe is the interrupter.
After I give Chloe a bath, I help her into her favorite onesie pajamas. Then I blow dry her thick hair and wet spots on her clothes. She then opens the door and is nearly knocked down by Copper, whose happy to see her. I put everything away and wipe the tub out before taking it to the utility room.
When I get into the living room, Chloe is crawling on Chris's lap. Chris grabs her little body and pulls her into his arms. I lean against the doorframe, watching this precious moment. Chris wipes the hair out of her face. Copper lets out a high pitched whine and runs past me to the front door. Odd. I shrug and go back to my kid and husband. Chloe is talking to Chris and he's grinning at her like she's the world. Because she is our world.
Suddenly, Copper begins barks loudly at the door. And it's a growl like bark. Now why would he—oh! It must be Lauren at the door. The doorbell rings. As I walk to the front door, I can't help but feel uneasy at how Copper is acting. I was attacked by a dog when I was younger, so when I see them act angry or aggressive, it brings back those memories. My hands shake as I grab Copper's collar and pull him back from the door.
             "Honey, take him outside. Please." Chris says he stands in the living room doorway with Chloe on his hip.
               Annoyed that Chris won't be the man and take Copper out himself, I drag Copper across the threshold and through living room to the backyard. I sit in the bottom step and pet Copper to calm him down. He's shaking. Copper has never acted this way towards anyone. Not even Lauren, besides the growling and stalking her for the first twenty minutes. Whatever behind that door has Copper spooked and I want to know why. My pet knows something I don't and he was warning me.
      Copper's ears perk up and his head moves past me. He dashes to the backdoor and stares inside. I feel so guilty for leaving him out here like this. He hasn't done anything wrong. But I can't risk him attacking whoever was on the other side of that door. With one last pat, I fight my way back into the house.
             I push Copper's head back out as he fights to get in, whining. I slam the door, feeling guilty from my awful actions. Copper scratches the door, pleading me with his big brown eyes. I could cry.
            "Mama!" Chloe shouts happily behind me.
             As I turn around, a huge ball of white fuzz catches my eye. I freeze in my place. OH HELL NO! NO NO NO NO NO NO! NOOOOOO! There's a huge white dog standing in the middle of Chris, Steven, and Lauren. My child is hugging the dog's neck happily.
         I put my hands up, my eyes wide. I can feel my body become unhinged. The words spat from my mouth before I can control my language.
          "Oh, hell no!"

~~~~~~~~~to be continued~~~~~~~~~~~

I don't know if you guys could tell, but I shaded Lauren so such in this one 😂🤣😂

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