Chap. 38: Why Hello, Hello

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(Meme of Chris Evans Above)
*Katie's POV*

           Oh, my God. HoLY CRAPORITO! I told Chris that I LOVED HIM! I said it without thinking! It just slipped! My heart is still racing a mile a minute. Do I really love, Chris? I mean, I wouldn't have absent mindedly said it unless I meant it deep down, right? All I worry now is that I may have compromised my relationship now. I'm sure Chris isn't in love with me and I wouldn't be surprised if he had some other girl out there he was having sex with because I've left him dry for so long. The thought makes me tear up, hurting my own feelings.
            As I help Julio Juan Carlos Luca (his full name) make the ice cream sandwiches in Tara's Sweet Treats shop, he talks me up about his pregnant girlfriend. The glow on his face as he talks about her is honestly life goals. His dark eyes are lit up and his smile is brighter than I've been in days.
"If it's a boy, she wants to call him Javier Juan Carlos Luca." Julio says cheerfully, putting ice cream in a cup. "If it's a girl, Valencia Marie Juan Carlos Luca."
I chuckle. "They're lovely names, Julio."
"Do you have any names for your children?" Julio says as he places the cup on the tray.
You know, I used to think of a million names to name my future children. From Jessie Jane to Savannah Grace to Lily Rose to Elijah Cane to Adrian Lucas. Yeah, a lot more names than those too. I wonder what Chris would want to name his children. I bite my lip at the thought of us having a possible child together. Would it be a boy or a girl?
"I don't know yet." I say to Julio, "I really have up on that idea after I turned 21 and still hadn't had my first kiss yet."
I can't help but imagine what Chris and my would be like. They would have his blue eyes and taller height, my nose and thick hair. They would be outgoing and have his looks like Chris too. I can't help but smile at the thought of our beautiful children playing while I sit on Chris's lap talking about things that went on in that week.
                My cellphone rings in my pocket. Could it be Chris?! My heart flutters at the thought of Chris taking the time to call me during the day. I take a step outside the back, taking my phone out—OH MY GOD. You will NOT believe whose calling me right now. And it's not my Baby.
               I put the phone to my ear.  "Hannah?"
              "Kaylee! Oh darling, I need you to come back! I'm a mess without you." I roll my eyes at that annoyingly whiney voice, "I've hired over 50 assistants over the past 6 months! They don't do what you do. Please, I need you. I'll pay you double what I did before and you can arrange your own schedule."
A laugh escapes my lips. "You're joking, right?"
There's a long pause on the other line. "What?"
"I feel bad for you." I say with a chuckle, "Do you really think that after all the terrible things you've said and done to me that I would really quit my new dream job just because you need a babysitter?"
"How rude—" Hannah starts to say
"NEVER call me again and stay out of my life forever, Hannah. You're dead weight and that's why nobody wants to work for you OR marry you!" I hang up, proud of myself. "What a bitch."
My cheeks heat up at my naughty language. I quickly return to my volunteer work that I was poorly doing anyways.

*Third Person POV*

Chris had a few hours to spare as Bruce Sings and Rob Jay set up their parts in the organization. As he walks the New York streets with Andrew, pieces of Saturday night replay in Chris's head. He remembers the redhead, the wine, jumbo shrimp, and the redhead on top of him as he held onto the bedpost. Guilt eats at Chris even more, making him even more sick to his stomach.
           "I feel so guilty." Chris sighs, rubbing his baggy eyes. "I can hardly sleep it's eating me up."
           Andrew snickers. "Well, at least it's all over now."
            "I can't tell Katie." Chris shakes his head, "She kept crying and apologizing for keeping what Dom and Jason did from me. This morning she even told me she loved me."
               Andrew stops in his tracks, causing Chris to stop as well. He gives his big brother a shocked look.
            "You have to end it now." Andrew says to Chris, "End it before she finds out."
            Chris rolls his eyes. "I can't."
              They begin walking again. Chris shoves his hands into his pocket, thinking of Katie's tear streaked face when she told him she had to poop because of Jamal's chili.
            "And why can't you?" Andrew says in a whiney voice, chasing Chris.
            "Because I love Katie too." Chris smiles to himself, pushing his sunglasses up. "In fact, we're going home in morning so I can be with her."
              "You just feel guilty." Andrew says annoyed, "Besides, you just slept with some woman because you were scared that Katie was cheating on you! You can't possibly be in love with her."
              "I'm too scared to lose her, Andrew." Chris stops in front of a dress store window, Andrew is giving his older brother an annoyed look. "Listen, I'm a 38-year-old billionaire who waste his money on stupid things only to sell it on eBay or Amazon at a cheaper price. And I somehow come out with more money than I had before at the end of 6 months."
            "I make under half of what you make by delivering babies out of hairy, stretched out vagina's." Andrew shrugs, looking at nothing in particular. "And now I'm gay."
              "You didn't have to follow dad's advice, Drew. You could have been. A pediatrician and helped babies AND kids without looking at a hairy vagina's." Chris rolls his eyes at his younger brother. "Enough with the female genitalia talk—Katie is my last chance at my dream family. She's so sweet and innocent, so smart and beautiful...I can't give her up. I want her."
               Chris heads into the dress shop, Andrew trailing behind him. The store is filled with many women, who give them confused looks, but Chris ignores their stares. He wonders what Katie would like to wear. She's not dressy dressy but Chris wants to spoil Katie beyond her wildest dreams. Something nice and kinda sexy but comfortable for Katie.
            "What are we doing in a dress—" Andrew begins.
           A clerk walks up to Chris, giving him a fake smile. "Hello gentleman. The men's department is next—"
            "I'm actually looking for my girlfriend something nice." Chris extends his hand, "Chris Eaton."
           The woman's eyes light up at the somewhat famous name. "Oh! What does she like?"
           Chris chuckles nervously. "I honestly don't know."
          The woman gives him a confused look. "Oh? Who does she usually wear?"
           "Jeans, hoodies, sweats, t-shirts." Chris thinks,  "She has a dress that I ruined on our third date. Quite the disaster."
             "Oh, well, what size does she wear? Can she come down and let us measure her—" The woman suggest.
            Chris chuckles nervously, scratching the back of his head. "Actually, I don't know what size she would need. And Katie is in California. I want to surprise her and make her happy."
            The clerk nods her head slowly, her stretched smile fading. "Okay..."
            "I have a picture—not a very good one, but I have a picture of Katie." Chris takes out his phone and shows the clerk a picture of Katie at the beach that day they went. "That probably can't help you."
             "Well, her bust looks to be either 48C or 36D. Her butt would be a problem for most of the over dresses in here and her frame would have to be measured in order to find the right dress." The woman thinks out loud, "Despite the bust and slight tummy, she has quite the figure!"
             "Thank you, I picked her out myself." Chris smirks, "Is there any dress that would fit around her size that you can tell?"
            The woman thinks for a moment. "Ask her what size that dress was that you ruined and then come talk to me, alright? I can't know until then."

         "How about this one? It's silky and loose and the color pearl." The clerk says to Chris, showing him the long, silky dress. "It's backless but it would compliment her bust quite nice."
         Chris nods at the dress, trying to imagine Katie in the dress. For some reason he only sees her in the color red, and in something tight. He shrugs at the woman.
          "Do you have this in red? Are there any red dresses?" Chris says, wondering what Katie would want.
            "Not in this dress, we don't. But we do have other dresses that come in red." The clerk says.
           Andrew nods to Chris. "Why not this dress, Chris? I think it looks nice."
           Chris rolls his eyes at him. "I have to make it meaningful. This is the first REAL gift I have given her...besides secretly helping her get her dream job at Blue Reads."
             The clerk nods. "Well, I picked his dress because of your girlfriends name."
            Both men exchange a look. The clerk smiles at them and explains. She puts the dress on a hanger.
               "The name Katie comes from the name Kathrine, which is associated with ideas of purity and innocence." Chris smirks at the woman's words, Katie was given the right name. "And pearls are white—the color that represents purity or good, and this dress is actually called Pearls of White. So I picked this one."
               Chris nods his head. "Yeah I like this dress. I'll take it."

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