Chap. 70: Pitter-Patter Of Feet

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(Picture of 18 month pregnant Katie's belly above)
*Third Person POV*

             As days turned into weeks, Chris tried to make their home as comfortable as he could make it for his new wife. He took charge of hauling the things Katie didn't want or need, fixed things that needed to be repaired, and out bought Katie's apartment lease for more than it was truly worth. He assured Katie that he would put the money and valuables she inherited from her late Aunt Barbára in a safe and not even he can touch it. Chris forced Katie to rest and eat, occasionally making love to her on her better days. And making her feel loved on the worst.
             Weeks turned into months, the baby growing inside Katie's abdomen began to reveal itself more and more. At 4 months, she was already miserable and started having terrible back aches. Chris would massage her back whenever he got home from work. Loni, Andrew, and 4 out of 6 of the girls (Katie's friends) all pitched in to help make Katie's pregnancy more comfortable. Loni drove Katie to the doctors appointments whenever Chris couldn't. Tara brought Katie different sweet treats to try, free of course. Halee would give Katie for free, but was forced to stop due to the increased pain by every two weeks. Kayla made sure to help prepare Katie and Chris on how the birth will go and what they should do. The newly weds were even forced to practice for the actual event of Katie going into labor. Adora and Andrew were Katie's therapy, talking and trying to get her mind off of her fears and doubts about the pregnancy running smoothly.
           So far, four turning into five months, everything had been smooth. There was the usual back pain, nausea, and constant fatigue that went along with pregnancy as well as swelling feet and ridiculous cravings. Swelling and aching of the breast, enlarging to an uncomfortable degree. Chris found it hard to try and set up a fundraising event for Starving Children Program, maintain a level head at his work, and spend time with Katie during this rough time. He put part of the blame on himself, wishing he hadn't of impregnated her. Wishing they would have waited until they had married and settle in, then adopt their children. Unfortunately, the fairytale could never match up to the reality.
             Steven, Chris's father, stayed in touch and occasionally came over to check on the pregnancy status. Lauren never came over and she refused to, believing her eldest son was being controlled by his new wife and would be bankrupt within the next  two years. Steven knew Lauren wanted to know all the updates of their first grandchild, but she was too stubborn to ask. Loni and Andrew told Chris about their mother and how miserable she was being away from him for so long. Chris, being like his mother, was too stubborn to call and talk to his mother.


           "So? Are you excited about going to the doctors tomorrow?" Adora says as she sips on sweet tea she made for herself and Katie. "You're going to find out the gender of your baby!"
              "Yeah," Katie winces, scratching Copper's soft ears "I guess I am."
              "You guess? You either are or you're not." Adora says.
               Copper lays with his head on Katie's slightly enlarged stomach, occasionally licking the clothed area. Katie read somewhere that dogs can hear things people can't. She wondered if he could hear the baby's heartbeat. At the last doctors appointment, they said the baby didn't have the strong heartbeat that it should have but it wasn't life threatening yet, which brought stress and fear upon Katie. It's all she's been able to think about since.
            "What if I have a still birth?" Katie says teary eyes, emotions taking over. "I don't think I could handle—"
            "Hey." Adora puts her hand on Katie's swelled ankle, "Don't think like that. You're going to be okay. You can't stress Chris out—Lord knows that fine piece of ass has enough on his plate as it is."
         "I don't think I'm going to make it another 3 months." Katie sniffs, "I can't take it for much longer."
            "You can and you will!" Adora says calmly, "This is why I don't want children."
              Katie smirks. "I would have adopted—"
              Suddenly, a pitter-patter feeling goes across Katie's slightly bulging stomach. She gasps, dropping her sweet tea onto the carpet. Copper's fluffy tail wags, nuzzling her stomach with a whine.
            "What happened? Katie, what happened?" Adora says concerned, already reaching for her phone to call an ambulance.
              Katie looks down at her stomach confused, waiting. Had it been a nerve throbbing? She knew she had it in her elbow and legs before...the pitter patter feeling happens again. Katie loudly gasps, hands flying to her stomach. Is it the baby?
               "Come here." Katie says to Adora, frantically motioning for her to hurry over.
               Adora, confused and scared, walks over and kneels down beside Katie. Katie puts her friend's hand on her stomach, letting her feel the pitter patter. They stare at each other in wonder and confusion.
               "Do you feel that pitter patter?" Katie says in a whisper like voice.
             "Yeah? Whoa, could it be—" Adora smirks, "the baby kicking?"
              Katie thinks about each word before it dawns on her. She grins wide, overjoyed by this news. The baby was kicking!
             "That's a sign that it's healthy, right?" Katie says happy, a little nervous. "The baby kicking is a good thing, right?"
          "I mean—" Adora scratches the back of her head, "yeah?"
            Katie hugs Adora happily, tears falling down her cheeks. Adora awkwardly freezes, chuckling uncomfortably.
             "Okay, okay Baby Mama!" Adora tries to get out of Katie's arms, "I know the emotions are overpowering but I'm still not a hugger."
             "Oh, sorry." Katie wipes her tears, "I can't wait to tell Chris about our baby's pitter patter."

Hey reader's! So, did you guys like the chapter? What do you picture Katie and Chris having? The mystery continues 😁

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