Chap. 75: Excuse Me, Mr. Eaton?

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*Third Person POV*

           After 4 and a half hours, Dr. Brooks walks through the emergency room doors. He tiredly searches for Chris, walking around the emergency room. The sound of the baby rhyme goes over the intercom of the hospital. Dr. Brooks spots Chris sleeping with his head in a older woman's lap.
"Excuse me, Mr. Eaton?" Dr. Brooks says loud and clear.
Lauren lifts her head up, her hazel eyes widening at the sight of the handsome doctor. She quickly stirs Chris.
"Sweetie, wake up." Lauren shakes him awake, "The Doctor is here."
Chris tiredly sits up, yawning. When he sees Dr. Brooks, he wakes up completely. He puts his hat back on.
             "W-W-W-W-What happened? Is Katie alright? The baby?" Chris says hurriedly, nervous.
             Dr. Brooks puts his hands up, silencing Chris. "I thought I was going to lose both of them but the entire night staff on section 4A helped save your wife and child's life."
         Relief fills Chris, causing him to burst into tears and sobs. Lauren holds her son, wiping his tears.
           "Can we go see the baby?" Lauren says hopefully, "What caused the bleeding?"
              Dr. Brooks looks down at his feet. "Unfortunately, no. We had to do an emergency c-section due to hemorrhaging in the uterus. The placenta began to fill up with blood, nearly drowning your baby. Our nurses had to pump and suck the blood from the infant's lungs and intestines, we almost weren't able to suck the blood from your child's lungs. Also, as I pulled the baby out, the left hand smacked hard against one of our machines and has a broken wrist."
          Chris is quiet, his thoughts screaming. "And Katie?"
           "We has to restart her heart and pump donor's blood in her. She had already lost a lot of blood when we got her on the table. We almost had to slip her into a drug induced coma—" Chris sobs, covering mouth. "But Mrs. Eaton is resting now. She will not be able to even sit up on her own for at least two weeks. You're infant will be in the NICU until we're sure she's stable and healthy. It's a miracle they survived this."

"Is she—I mean, Katie," Lauren scratches the back of her head, "still able to procreate?"
          The look on Dr. Brooks face tells Chris everything. Katie won't be able to carry another child. Chris slowly nods, weight dropping on his heart.
           "No, in fact, I need your signature for us to cut her tubes." Dr. Brooks slowly nods, "It's not physically safe for Mrs. Eaton to have another child. I highly recommend this procedure."
            Lauren puts her hand on her chest. Andrew pats his brother's back. Dr. Brooks continues.
              "If, perhaps, you still want another child, we could cut her fertile eggs out and freeze then until you can find a surrogate who is willing to carry your child." Dr. Brooks quickly backs his recommendation, "BUT not everyone is comfortable with that due to the risk and personal beliefs. But whatever you decide, I need it in writing and a signature."
          Chris slowly nods. "Can I have some time to think about this?"
           "Yes, sir." Dr. Brooks nods, "Please go home and rest. We legally can't allow you back there in both your wife and baby's conditions until they progress. Come back tomorrow and you can see your infant in the incubator in the NICU. You're wife is going to need a few days until she's able to see visitors. I'm terribly sorry."
            Chris heavily lowers his head. He hates that he can't go back and see Katie, the love of his life. It smothers him. And to not see his child? Not able to get that skin to skin contact to bond? It breaks Chris. But they are okay. They survived. That's the only thing keeping him from going mentally insane.

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