Chapter 107

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2 days later...
Vansh's house...
9 a.m.

Jai and Arjun were sitting in the living room, their chairs opposite to each other, not talking to each other...

There was this awkward silence between them, it was for the first time in their 50 years of friendship, that they had nothing to say to each other...

Jai was reading the newspaper while Arjun was holding a book in his hand, not really reading it, just glancing through the pages..

Amayraa and Ananya were sleeping in Ananya's room, while Ved, Aayan and Naina were in kitchen preparing breakfast..

Vansh comes out of his room, sliding a travel bag along with him, wearing his work clothes, he and his team were leaving today for Switzerland, for 15 days to shoot a song and the story plot based on that place...

'When is your flight ?' Jai asks

'It's at 3 p.m., Bade Papa...' Vansh replies

'Then why are you leaving so early...?' Arjun enquires

'I have to finish the editing of  previous shoots before leaving, or else it'll be hectic to edit so many scenes once I return...' He informs

'Then why are taking your bag with you...? Come back here, eat something and then leave na...' Naina says from the kitchen

'No Maa, I can't, we have 5 scenes to edit, and I don't know whether we, a team of 15 people will be able to finish it today, so Me,my staff and Vicky will leave for the airport, directly from the office...' Vansh informed

'Oh, Okay then, I'll pack something for you and Vikrant for the lunch...' Naina said and Vansh grinned

'I love you Maa...' he hugs her and she chuckles..

'I thought your editing work was supposed to be finished by yesterday...' Ved says keeping plates on the table

Vansh glares at his brother, and then gulps, bracing himself for a scolding from his father, Naina pats his cheeks and goes back in the kitchen...

'Time of the work doesn't really matter, if quality isn't compromised ...' Arjun said not looking up from the book

The boys looked at their father shocked, and so did Jai..

'My my... Sun surely rose from the west today... Vedie boy will you check that for me...' Jai commented getting back to the newspaper, and Ved chuckled at this

Arjun looked up from the book and rolled his eyes..

'I can be a supportive father too...' he said sarcastically, Vansh started tying his shoe laces, avoiding to be a scapegoated...

'Yeah, Scolding is the new supporting...' Jai comments, while Naina and Aayan look at each other, both of them knew where this was going...

'Like you never scolded Aayan or Nitaara...' Arjun counters, Jai's comment

'Of course I did... But I knew where to stop...' Jai said and Aayan chocked on his water

'I did not yell at my sons all the time, I was a fun dad too...' Arjun said defensively

'Surree you were....' Jai sang without looking at him

'Hey... Don't you test me...! I am a fun father alright... Let me prove that to you...' *Gets up from the seat and walks towards the kitchen* 'Naina ! Wasn't I a fun parent to our kids...?' he asks Naina who was coming out of the kitchen holding a casserole

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