Phobias Heavy Bags and Naked Slumber Parties

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The team landed in the Darlington, South Carolina airport. Jet lag sucks. But it was fading and not the worst case of jet lag she's ever had so it was bearable. "Where to now?" She asked as she tried blocking the setting sun from her eyes.

"Find a hotel, crash, and get an early start tomorrow morning," Hotch answered. She nodded and looked at the pile of go-bags. Hers was at the bottom and she could see the black handle that had been wrapped in galaxy duct tape poking out. She pulled at it.

It didn't budge. She huffed and started pulling harder at it. Nothing. She glared at it and continued pulling. Then a long arm reached around her and yanked it free in one swift motion. She looked up and Hotch was smirking at her. She turned to face him and glared at him. "I totally loosened that for you," she grumbled.

He smirked in amusement, "Right."

She rolled her eyes and punched him playfully in the chest. She grabbed her bag and started towards the car that was waiting for them. Hotch walked up behind her and grabbed her bag from her. "Hey!" She argued. But he legged it to the car and his legs were longer than hers so he didn't even have to run to get away from her. The rest of the team had bewildered looks on their faces. Morgan looked confused and almost scared, Reid just look confused, Rossi look more surprised than amused, and JJ just looked amused.

What's that about?

She shrugged it off and tossed a playful smirk back a Morgan who was wedged between Reid and JJ and Rossi in the back.

She had called Shotgun.


They pulled into a Holiday Inn and Hotch and Rossi got out and went to check everyone in while Kay, JJ, Morgan, and Reid sat in the car. As soon as they entered to hotel Morgan spoke up. "Whats with you and Hotch?" He asked.

"What are you talking about?" Kay asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" He asked.

Kay quirked an eyebrow at him and gave him a 'seriously?' look. "Obviously not," she said.

He narrowed his eyes at her. "I'm onto you newbie. Don't you think that you can pull a fast one on Derek Morgan," He warned.

"Oh I'm terrified," She laughed.

Then Hotch came out of the hotel and walked their way. "Grab your stuff, Rossi's getting the keys." This time Kay grabbed her bag before he could even think about it and ran to find Rossi with Hotch trailing behind her. She finally caught up with Rossi and he held out two keys.

"They've only got two rooms," He said. The others caught up and she looked up at Hotch's 6'2 frame. He had to be a good eight inches taller than her. He's like a giant man shield and he made her feel small but almost protected while he was around.

"Two rooms? How are all four of us going to sleep in one room," Reid asked gesturing to the men of their group.

Hotch sighed. "One of us is going to have to sleep with the girls."

"Alright! Slumber party with the chicka's. Let's have naked pillow fights and braid each others hair," Morgan smiled putting his arm around both JJ and Kay.

"Nope!" Kay broke from Morgan and hid behind Hotch.

"How about you Reid?" Hotch asked clearly not liking this situation.

"I uh would rather not." He turned red and retreated back to the car claiming he forgot his notebook. Hotch looked at Rossi and Rossi just shook his head no. Basically pulling seniority. 

Hotch sighed again,"I guess it's me then."

Oh that's just Wonderful.

Fine but I better not find you sleeping in between them on the same bed," Morgan joked as entered the Hotel. Hotch gave him a glare that could burn holes through the Space Time Continuum. Morgan shrugged it off and kept walking till they reached the elevator. They all piled in except Kay hung out.

"Um I'm gonna take the stairs," She said and walked off.

Okay so what she's afraid of elevators? Elevators are terrifying. Well it wasn't really the elevator that scared her. It was enclosed spaces that she could get trapped in. She was terrified of being trapped in anything. Kay found the stairs and ran up them and got to their room before the others even got off the elevator. She sat on the floor in front of their door and leaned back and crossed her legs together. She pulled out her phone and started messing with it like she'd been there awhile. Finally, The rest of the team showed up piling out of the elevator.

She looked up, "Took you long enough."

You Make Me Smile (Hotch Fanfic) *Completed* #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now