Kids and Kays Sucky Childhood

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Kay jumped into the passenger seat of the car and called Garcia. "Talk dirty to me." Kay giggled and Garcia realized who it was,"What can I do for you KT?"

"First I need you to do background searches on every who works or goes to Hartsville Elementary School but if you can multi task I've got some girl talk to spill."

"Honey do you know who your talking to? Spill the proverbial beans!" Kay laughed and told her all about the day so far. She didn't tell her about Hotch inviting her to see his son. That just felt to intimate to share even with her old BFF. "Wait wait so not only did he smile and make a joke but he told you he liked your hair!"

"Yes!" Kay laughed. She looked up and saw Hotch making his way towards the car. "Oh gotta go he's coming this way." She hung up just as Hotch opened the door.

"What was that?" he asked.

"Nothing, just girl talk. Did you get the list?" She asked changing the subject.

"Uh yeah and Reid called and said that they needed to go to the station but there's still one family to go see I told him you and I would check it out," Kay smiled when she heard the words "Check" and "Out" and instinctively scanned him up and down.


She shot her eyes back up and blushed. "Nothing, Lets go." She turned away and grabbed her seat belt silently scolding herself for her lack of self control.

This is gonna be an interesting job.


They pulled up at the Parker's house and parked. They got out and rang on the door bell. A black man came to the door. "Hello, Mr. Parker, I'm Agent Travis and this is Agent Hotchner were with the FBI. Can we come in?" His eyes were puffy and red and he didn't look like he'd slept in days. He nodded and told us to come in and called for his wife Janet.

"We're sorry for what happened Mr. and Mrs. Parker but we need you to tell us everything you know," Hotch comforted as they sat on the couch and we sat across from them on the love seat.

They took a deep breath,"What would you like to know?"

"Did you notice anyone new around the neighborhood? They would've been quiet and kinda creepy like they were always watching you. It may have also been a female maybe someone who works for the school, have you noticed anyone there?"

Mrs. Parker shook her head. "No, I usually pick Sheila up myself, but every Wednesday she rides the bus so I can go to my Book Club," She sobbed.

"Listen honey this ain't your fault okay? We're gonna find whoever took your baby girl," Kay promised. "Now Agent Hotchner needs to ask you a few more questions but I'd like to check out Sheila's room if that's okay?"

She nodded and pointed towards the hall, "It's the one with the big sparkly 'S' on the door." Kay smiled at her and touched Hotch's knee. It was a silent, "Good luck and be gentle." Kay walked down the hall till she found the room. She pushed open the door and there was a little sleeping figure on the pink twin bed. She looked over to see Sheila's sister Layla. But she wasn't asleep she was just curled up in a ball laying there.

"Hey Honey, My names Kay and I'm gonna help you find your big sister. Would you like that?" She nodded and Kay picked her up off the bed.

She held the little two year old in her arms and looked around the room. "So this is your big sister's room huh? You must like it in here. I was an only child but that was okay too." She looked at the happy photos of the family.

"My dad left when I was a baby but my mom was always great to me. She got married once when I was eight," She looked back at Layla who was intently listening to her story while lying on Kay's chest with her thumb in her mouth.

"My step-dad wasn't very nice though, He was always mean to me and he got drunk alot. He was always yelling and throwing things and hitting me but my mom didn't know so I didn't tell her. That went on for several years and I later found out he was hitting her too and she didn't tell me."

"One day though he snapped and hit me while she was there and they broke up. My mom was always my hero," Kay smiled at her. She knew the girl didn't understand what she was saying but it felt good to tell someone every now and then. Especially if that person couldn't criticize.

"Is your mom your hero Layla?" Kay asked and Layla grinned and nodded. Kay took one more sweep around the room but everything looked like a normal six year olds room. She didn't know why she was telling this little girl her story but it just seemed like it was appropriate.

"That's a interesting story."

Kay spun around to see Hotch leaning on the door frame. She blushed and looked down at her feet before meeting his eyes again. "Did uh they know anything?" Kay asked obviously changing the subject.

"No, they didn't know anything. Is this Layla?" He came closer and she silently thanked him for dropping the subject.

"Yeah, I found her lying in the bed all curled up in her footie pajamas." Kay tickled the little girl and she laughed.

"She likes you," He said.

"I've always loved kids maybe they can tell." She smiled and looked at Layla,"Hey Layla this is my partner Aaron. He's got a son you know and I bet he's really good with kids too." Kay smiled when Hotch smiled at the girl. He really does have a nice smile. Kids seem to be one of the only things that will make him smile.

"Hello Layla. Did you find anything in her room Kay?" Layla grabbed his finger.

"No, it's all just normal girl stuff I guess. It's kinda funny though, When I was this age my room was covered in Power Rangers and Ninja Turtles." They laughed. They left the room and came back to the family room.

"Oh Layla what are you doing out of bed?" Kay smiled and handed the girl to her mom.

"I found her sleeping in her big sister's bed." She handed her to her mom. They finished up and told them goodbye.

They had to find these kids and soon. This little girl needs her sister back.

Okay so I don't usually post this soon but this is special because you guys have been so supportive and everything and I just love you guys so this is for you! Also I'm going to start ASKING YOU question at the end of each chapter and I'd like you to ASK ME QUESTIONS.

QOTD: Fav boyband?

AOTD: Ummm idk I have many but I like FOB a lot and I've recently got into MCR (I used to me a huge 1D fangirl don't judge me) And Green Day is my life.

You Make Me Smile (Hotch Fanfic) *Completed* #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now