It's His Fault

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Kay pulled up her coat collar against the wind. She was hurt and she didn't know what to do. She wasn't going to quite her job just because her boss was a jerk. A lot of bosses are jerks but how many people are in love with them?

Ugh, Coffee is a needed thing right now. She walked along the streets until she spotted a coffee shop with donuts! I think times like this call for some donuts. She ran in and got in line.

She decided to buy donuts for everybody since she was a nice person like that. "Hi, I'd like a peppermint mocha and a dozen donuts please," Kay asked. Once she had the donuts picked out and she got her coffee she felt a lot better. She didn't feel good though.

She was still ticked off at Aaron and that probably wouldn't change for a while but she needed to get to work. She made her way back to the FBI building. But the team was there. Kay sighed and put the donuts next to the coffee pot and put a note on them saying they were from her for the team.

Her phone rang, "Hello?"

"Mamma has worked her magic my beautiful Texan princess," Kay laughed at Garcia's usual phoning style.

"Really? Well what have you got?"

"There's a man named Joseph Mitchell who works as a janitor in the FBI building and I compared him against your profile and he seems to fit it and his time schedule says he is getting off work in five minutes."

"Okay thanks PG your a doll. Can you send me his picture?"

"Sending and sent!" Kay hung up and looked at her texts. Her eyes widened she had just saw him when she came in the building. He was going outside... Kay ran out the conference room and then out the building. She looked around but she didn't see him.

"Hey sir! Have you seen Joseph Mitchell?" She asked as an agent went past. He looked but shook his head no and walked into the building. She ran all the way through the parking lot looked around again but the lot was empty except for cars. She was about to call Garcia back when something hit her hard and she blacked out.


Hotch pulled up into the FBI parking lot and immediately knew something was off. He got out and the others followed him. They had gone to follow a lead that evidently led no where.

All of a sudden the Doctor Who theme song started playing. That's Kay's ringtone... He looked around and saw a phone on the ground about fifteen feet away. He started walking towards it. His stomach dropped.

"Hotch? What is it?" Rossi walked up behind him just as he got to the phone with the Marvel case on it that they all knew. He turned it over to see that Garcia was calling. Hotch's heart stopped. "Is that-," Morgan started to ask but Hotch grabbed the phone an bolted towards the FBI building. He looked around the conference room and he noticed a coffee cup with the same colored lipstick ring as all her cups had. She always wore that lipstick it was her favorite.

Her phone on the ground her coffee left here... Kay was gone.


Hotch fell to his knees in shock. The others came bursting through the door. "Hotch?! What's going on is that Kay's phone?" Morgan asked.

"The unsub has her," he whispered still trying to get his mind back together. "What how do you know that?" Rossi asked.

"The coffee cup has her lipstick on it and it smells like peppermint which is her favorite flavor!" He got up furiously and started pacing.

"Okay just calm down that doesn't mean he's got her," Rossi soothed.

"Her phone was left in the parking lot and she isn't here looking for it! She loves that phone and that case because she checks her pocket every five minutes just to make sure it's there! She wouldn't have just left her coffee and her phone just lying around so he has her!"

"She threatened him in the news and now he has her! It's a power play."

Hotch pulled out his phone and called Garcia.

"Office of superior-,"

"Kay's missing."


"Kay is missing when did you last talk to her?"

"About an hour ago I called her and gave her a suspect for you guys to check out, Joseph Mitchell who's a janitor at the FBI there."

"Okay thanks Garcia," he answered.

"Does he have her sir?" She asked. You could practically hear the tears starting to fall down her face. He sighed,"I think so." Hotch hung up.

It all hit him in the face. He made her upset and that's why she left. If he hadn't have left she wouldn't have gotten here while they were out. And if she wasn't here alone she wouldn't have gone after Mitchell alone.

It's his fault.

His knees buckled underneath him. "Woah! Hotch watch out," Morgan caught him before he could hit the floor and he pulled him into a chair.

He put his face in his hands and sobbed,"It's my fault you guys, She's gonna die and it's my fault."

*drops mic*

Mmmmm whats gonna happen??????
Dun dun dun dun

QOTD: Who here watches Teen Wolf?

AOTD: I freaking love it and I can't believe Tyler Hoechlin is leaving the show. (not ReadY fOr thiS) Derek is bae *tears* WHY JEFF DAVIS WHY

You Make Me Smile (Hotch Fanfic) *Completed* #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now