Family and Feelings

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It's been three weeks since the team finished their first case with Kay. They'd done a few more smaller things over the past three weeks. (If you could call anything in this job small) Weird thing was, Hotch seemed to be distancing himself lately. He hasn't taken her up on her offer to meet Jack yet either. She couldn't understand why he'd all of a sudden started ignoring her. Had she done something wrong? She was free spirited maybe she stepped out of line. Maybe she'd made a bad move on a case. Or maybe it was all in her head.

What if Hotch wasn't ignoring her but she just had a growing overwhelming desire to spend time with him. Grant it, they had been spending quite a lot of time together. Hotch was kind of a loner so maybe he just needed a break. Needed to be alone, Kay could understand that. She often found sitting alone by her fire place in her cozy little apartment with a nice cup if Hot Chocolate, comforting.

She had grown to like the company of the older man more than the silence, though. She had probably found silence comforting as an adult because as a child it meant that her step dad and her mom weren't going to fight tonight. Just this one night everything was going to be okay. No one was going to hurt her and she could finally get some sleep. Sometimes she wished she could sleep forever.

She even thought about-


Now's not the time for self pity of days gone by. She' sure Hotch isn't ignoring her she's just let her imagination run wild. Her developing crush on the Supervisory Special Agent was beginning to show to pretty much everyone at the office except Hotch.

Even Andersen said that if she didn't tell him about her feelings he'd never know because he was to thick headed to get mixed signals. Morgan was constantly teasing her and JJ was there like a supportive big sister and she was also kind of the Mom of their little team. Always giving advice and being there and such.

Rossi would tease both her and Hotch but he had almost became like a father to her aswell. But when Rossi and Morgan get togther and start teasing... your best option is to just run. Of course Garcia was her Go-to-love-talk girl. Kay didn't gossip, don't get me wrong. But no matter how un-girly Kay was, every girl needs some other girl to talk to about boys with. It's like a law of the universe. Everyone has to have a BFF. And Garcia was a particularly good one. She listened to Kays crazy love infatuated story and even made Kevin leave once because Kay wanted to talk.

Chicks before uh- well you get the idea.

Anyway, Garcia had been great when Kay just wanted to sit with her in her little room of tech and sparkles and asked her stuff like,"Did you see the way Hotch looked at me?" Or things like,"Do you think I should be the Tenth doctor for Halloween or the Ninth?"

Yeah real philosophical things like that. Kay taped her pen unconsciously on her desk as she thought over her life in the past month. Reid looked across the rows of desk because her taping was about to drive him crazy. She didn't know it but Reid looked up to her like a big sister and he hadn't known her but a month. Reid also knew about her crush on their boss because even he wasn't that clueless.

Kay thought of him as her little brother as well. They'd often played Chess together on the plane but Kay had only managed to win once with an old trick her grandfather had taught her. Unfortunately, the boy-genius figured her trick out as soon as she played it and she wasn't able to use it again. She had played Poker with her dad all her life but that still wasn't enough to beat Reid. He could probably beat her in pool, too. By aligning the symmetry or something. But Fooseball was her game. She'd bet anything she could beat him in that.

She loved her new little family.

Her thoughts wandered back to Hotch. She'd been doing that a lot lately. Thoughts of his fluffy raven colored hair and his almost greeny brown eyes that kinda reminded Kay of a Caramel Apple seemed to invade her thoughts when they were very inconvenient. Like now.

"Travis?" Kay didn't hear Derek speak. He raised an eyebrow at Reid who just shrugged at him.

"She's been like that all morning. I'm starting to think she was an android all along and someone turned her off." Derek ignored the geekyness of his friends comment.

He grinned at Reid,"Watch this."

He got behind her and yelled,"Kay look Hotch is coming!" Kay spun around and fell out of her chair but she saw no sign of the object of her affections. Which was okay because she really didn't want him seeing her fall backwards out of a chair. She looked up and Derek was clutching his stomach laughing so hard that no sound came out his mouth. Just gasps of air every now and then.

Kay blushed and got up as he sank to the floor still laughing. "Very funny Morgan," she brushed off her black slacks.

"I'm sorry...," he breathed out another laugh. "I just... couldn't resist. You wouldn't answer m... me and pretty boy had a whole conversation behind your back and you didn't here a thing! By the way Reid, I don't think she's an android and trust me she's anything but turned off."

She glared at him,"I'm telling Garcia!"

His eyes widened in feigned horror like she was six and was about to tell on her big brother to their mom. "You wouldn't dare...." Kay smiled evily and ran towards Garcia's room with her "Big Brother" Derek on her tail. Only they were intercepted by a worried looking JJ and Hotch.

This can't be good.

QOTD: What's your favorite quote?

AOTD: Normality is a like a paved road. It's convenient and easy to walk on but no flowers grow on it.

You Make Me Smile (Hotch Fanfic) *Completed* #Wattys2016Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin