She's Mad Now

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They landed in Kansas City and Kay headed straight for her bags. He'd carried her bags a couple more times since her first case but their was no way she was going to let him do that today. She was mad at him and she wanted him to know it. She was going to be just as emotionless as he is. Maybe then he'll realize he needs to stop ignoring her and whatever emotions he has inside.

This time Kay didn't call Shotgun super fast like she usually does. No one called it actually. Kay reached the car first and she threw her stuff in the back and climbed into the back seat. Everyone knew that was a bad sign. To be honest they were all kinda upset with Hotch. They didn't know what he had done but they knew he made her upset enough to lock herself in the bathroom for almost fifteen minutes. Rossi pulled the short straw and sat upfront with Hotch.

That was probably for the best too. He was closest to Hotch so if anyone was less likely and also most likely to punch him in the face it was him. No one said anything except JJ reassured that there would be more cars for them at the Police Station.

She sent her a silent, Thank you. Kay needed to call Garcia and she needed to get away from Hotch. Maybe she could get Garcia to give out Hotchs phone number on the web telling people to "Call this number for a good time." Yep. She was tottaly gonna do that. Kay didn't say anything when they reached the police station. She climed out the car and walked straight into the sherrifs station not waiting for Hotch who usually opens the door for her.

She knew by the way that he was sulking that he knew she was mad at him and was now ignoring him. But all of it was his fault and Kay wasn't going to apologize for giving him that wake up call. Maybe now he'll finally come to his senses. Maybe she should get Rossi to just wack him in the back of the head till he pays attention.

Everyone got set up in the room provided for them. "Kay we're going to talk to the families now," Morgan informed and she nodded and followed after them. Morgan decided to drive and Rossi sat beside him in the front seat. Kay knew what was coming but she wasn't sure she was ready for it. She didn't want everyone jumping to conclusions about her and Hotch's relationship. They were just Boss and coworker. The coworker just happens to want to kill her boss right now but that's normal.

"Okay so spill Travis we know somethings up between you and Hotch," Morgan said blatantly.

Rossi rolled his eyes. "Morgan you have so much tact," he added sarcastically. Kay smiled, they were funny together even when she didn't want them to be.

Kay quietly mumbled,"Nothing we're fine." Can anyone say...LIE.

Rossi scoffed,"Yeah and I'm Jack the Ripper."

Kay rolled her eyes,"Well I'm afraid I'm going to have to arrest you. And find out your anti-aging secret."

Morgan sighed,"Listen K-ster," Kay smiled at her Morgan-given nickname. "We only wanna help. If we need to punch Hotch in the face for you then we will." He smiled back at her.

Rossi laughed,"You do that muscle man, I do however think there should be a way to do this without anyone getting fired," He assured. "Maybe we can tie him to a post till he admits his feelings for you."

Kay scoffed,"If he's got feelings for me then he's got a pretty lousy way of showing them." Kay told them what happened in the hallway.

"Truth is Kay... We all know Hotch has alot of bottled up feelings about everything. He grieves silently and won't ask for help. He thinks if he takes one day off work the whole world might fall apart but he's getting better at putting his family first and I think he could love again if he'd just give someone else a chance," Morgan concluded.

Kay still wasn't convinced Hotch had feeling for her but she knew something was wrong with him and she wanted to find out what it was before he buried himself in loneliness. Rossi agreed to help her talk to him but she knew most of this was up to her. But first he's got to see the error of his ways and admit was he's doing and what he said was wrong.

They pulled up at victim number one's house. Deana Raven a pretty brown haired women with green eyes and some freckles. She looked a good bit like Kay to the point it was creepy. Except Kay had blue eyes which made her look a little bit more like the second victim who had blue eyes, Cassandra Collins. Either way the resemblance was a little to close for comfort.

Uh oh. Reporters were in the yard. Can't these people just go away? Don't they know this family is grieving? They pulled up and got out and the camera's swarmed them. "Hey! Why don't you guys go cover something else okay? This family has been through enough. Now back up," She said sternly and they backed up a little. Maybe she was a little to harsh but she was so officially done with people today she didn't care. They knocked on the door.

"No! I'm sorry we don't want to give you a interview!" A lady called through the door.

"Ma'am my name is Derek Morgan we're with the FBI!" Derek yelled back. The door opened revealing a small blonde woman and a gruff but depressed looking man. "Come in," The man said and opened the door for them.
"Hi my name is Agent Kay Travis it's nice to meet you." Kay shook the womans hand.

"Hello I'm Mary and this is my husband John it's nice to meet you all." They all went and sat down in the living room. "Mary do you wanna go somewhere else and talk while the boys talk? Maybe you could show me where Deana was staying?" She nodded forcing a smile Kay knew was only for her benefit.

"Deana graduated from the Academy about three years ago and she was living with her boyfriend but they broke up and she's been living here since then. That was about three months ago and she was about to sign on a deal for her own apartment and she was even looking at houses in case she decided she wanted a house instead of an apartment," Kay heard the rest of that unfinished sentence. But she couldn't 'cause someone murdered her. Kay was going to avenge this girl. They came into the bedroom and she started to look around.

"A boyfriend? Was it a bad break up? Is there any reason he may want to hurts Deana?" Mary shook her head.

She said,"No he broke up with her. He said he's found someone else." Ouch. Kay knew that feeling.

"Boys are stupid aren't they?" Kay said and the woman smiled at her. "Yes but how would we open jars without them?" Kay laughed.

"I'm guessing you're not married? I don't see a ring," Kay shook her head and sat beside her on the bed. "Nope, I'm single."

"But you like someone who your not sure likes you back?" Kay's eyes widened.

"How did you know that?" Kay asked.

Mary shrugged,"A mother can tell. You should tell him I've got a good feeling about it," She assured. Kay assured her that she would think about it.

"Does Deana have a Diary or a Laptop?" Mary nodded and opened a drawer next to her and pulled out a small leather bound book.

"She always kept that book. She was never good at technology but she had that."

"Thank you Mary I promise I'll give it back. Can you tell me exactly how Deana's day went before she went missing?" Kay asked.

"Yeah, She got up at six and got ready for work and she left. Her boss said that she made it to work and but when she went on break at ten she didn't come back."

"Thank you Mary you've been a great help. I promise we will find this guy okay?" She nodded.

Kay will find this guy.

HELLO, Sorry it's been so long since I've updated but thanks for the lovely comments <3

QOTD: What's your favorite place to visit during your free time?

AOTD: Assuming you mean regular free time and not vacations then the answer is either my room with a book or my aunts house. (I have the best Aunt ever XD)


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