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The girl in this video is not me and I do not remember who she is but she is very talented so if you know plz tell me. Also, please read the A/N chapter after this :) ~Jet

It's been two months since Kay escaped Mitchell and Aaron Hotchner saved her life. Today she was going to meet his son Jack. Kay has never been more terrified of anything in her whole life. Not even when she was being tortured by a sadistic narcissist. This was a vital moment that would predict the rest of her future with Aaron. Jack was Aaron's whole world so if he didn't like her then this...whatever they had... could be over. Kay really didn't want that to happen.

Kay unknowingly started drumming her fingers nervously on her thigh. Hotch noticed her silence and looked over at her. He smiled at her nervous tic that he himself had figured out. "He's gonna love you ya know," He commented looking at her briefly before turning his eyes back to the road. Aaron was driving them to his apartment where Jessica -His ex-wife's sister- was keeping Jack.

"What?" Kay asked coming from her daze.

He smiled. He seemed to do a lot more of that lately. "Jack is going to love you I promise." He looked at her with a grin and a raised brow.

Kay smiled at him,"I hope so."

They arrived soon and before Kay could even register that they had stopped Hotch was running to the passenger side to open her door. Kay rolled her eyes. He'd been treating her like she was breakable ever since Mitchell. It was really nice and cute the first month but now she was tired of it. "Aaron Hotchner I am perfectly capable of opening my own door," Kay pursed her lips and crossed her arms.

He gave her a lopsided grin and looked at her with those big brown eyes. She groaned and took his hand for him to help her out the car. There was no way she could resist that look. My goodness if Jack was as irresistible as his dad then she was doomed. As Kay contemplated that dooming question she also wondered about wether or not the FBI was going to allow their relationship. All of her thoughts were cut off by a warm hand grabbing her own. Aaron's finger intertwined with hers and they walked along swinging their arms like teenagers on a date.

Hotch found out about her fear of elevators so they took the steps up to his apartment. Which was the sweetest thing ever to be honest. She promised to work on her fear so they wouldn't have to take the stairs all the time. Kay gripped his fingers tighter as they approached the door. Hotch unlocked the door.

They stepped inside and a blonde woman, whom Kay assumed to be Jessica, came walking around the corner. "Oh you're here," she smiled. "Jack! Your dads home and he brought a uh," she saw there hands and smiled. "Friend."

"Well I'm going to leave now that you're here," She told Hotch and he nodded. She looked at Kay and extended her hand. Kay shook her hand,"It's nice to meet you."

"You too." She grabbed her bag and left. You took in a deep breath just as an excited little boy bounded around the corner. He leaped into his dads arms and it took Aaron by surprise.

"Woah! Hey buddy it's good to see you," He hugged his son closely.

Jack looked at Kay and then looked at your Captain America T-Shirt and smiled. "Hi, I'm Jack, I like your shirt," The boy smiled.

His dad put him on the ground and knelt down beside him. Kay knelt next to them and Jack stuck out his hand. "My dad says it's polite to shake someone's hand when you meet them," he said matter-of-factly but he looked uncomfortable with the gesture.

Kay smiled,"You dad's absolutely right but uh if I wanna hug instead would that be okay?" She asked with a smile. Jack smiled brightly and bounded into her arms and knocked her flat on her butt.

"Jack!" Aaron scolded but he couldn't help the smile on his face. Kay laughed and hugged him back.

"What's your name?" He asked with an inquisitive tilt of his head.

"My names Kay," She answered. His little eyes grew wide and he turned briefly to his dad and back to Kay.

"Your the one my daddy talks about all the time?" He giggled. Kay looked at Aaron who was blushing red and laughing.

Kay looked back at Jack,"What does he say about me?" Kay smirked.

"Do you wanna know what he tells me? Or what he tells Uncle Dave when he thinks I'm not listening?" He asked.

"Okay! That's enough," Aaron laughed and scooped up his son and spun him around in the air. Jack laughed and screamed and Aaron placed on his feet. "Go get dressed and we'll all go out to eat okay?"

"Yes!" He ran off and Aaron looked back at Kay. She sent an amused and expecting look his way.

"So uh," Kay grinned and stepped closer to Aaron. "What is it that you say about me?" She asked amusingly and trapped him against the kitchen counter.

He smirked,"That is for me to know and for you to never find out."

"Okay I'll ask Rossi."

"He's sworn to secrecy."

"We'll see," Kay answered looking up into his eyes. Kay bit her lip.

"You remember when I figured out your talent and you said I could have whatever I want?" He asked.

Kay grinned,"Uh huh."

"I think I know what I want," He whispered. He leaned in and kissed her lips softly.

"Will you be my girlfriend Karen Travis?" He asked.

She kissed him again,"Yes."

Aaron smiled.


~A smile is a curve that sets everything straight~ Phyllis Dillar


You Make Me Smile (Hotch Fanfic) *Completed* #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now