Another injury?!

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I walk back in my bookshop, which has recovered nicely since the fire that burned it down to the ground. Me and Crowley worked tirelessly to restore it and now it's better than it ever has been because we rebuilt it with love and a lot of thought put into the work. I'm holding a handkerchief to my nose, in a futile attempt to stop the bleeding. I hear the door open and know it's Crowley, which makes me scared because I don't want him to know about this. He yells, "Angel! Where are you? Aziraphale, you home?" I can't hide myself from him and I call from the other room, "I'm in here." My voice sounds nasally and odd because I have a tissue up my nose and I hear Crowley's boots as he runs in my direction. He appears in the doorway, and sees me bleeding. He runs over, and starts to put his arms around me then guides me to the couch. I sit, and he's right there beside me. He asks, "Angel, what happened to you?" I cry as I say, "It's nothing..." Crowley won't take that, and he gets a bit more demanding as he says, "Who did this to you?" I mumble, "Gabriel."  He is so pissed off and his breathing quickens. He sighs, seething with rage, and I tell him, "It's not the first time, either." This puts him over the edge and he grabs me by the collar and says, "One second! He's hurt you more than once?!" Im not scared for my own safety as I tell him, "Yes but please don't-" He lets me go and says through gritted teeth, "I'm gonna kill him." I am mortified as I say, "No, Crowley. You mustn't. He'll hurt you." Crowley shoots back, "He hurt you!" He points out my still bleeding nose and black eye and he takes off his sunglasses. He doesn't wear them around me and I see he's tearing up as he looks at me and knows how much I'm hurt. "Gabriel can be tough sometimes..." Crowley softens his voice now because he's talking to me and trying to calm down, "That's no excuse for what he's done to you. I have never wanted to kill someone so bad before." I'm woozy from the amount of blood loss I have experienced from my nosebleed and my head falls onto his shoulder. He puts his arm around me and says, "Angel, you alright?" I can barely even see as I tell him, "No" and pass out across his lap. I hear him say, "Angel?! Aziraphale?! Azi?!" After I don't answer any of the times, I hear him crying.

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